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KabbalaOnLine Magazine Vol.19 no.23

 KabbalaOnLine Magazine Vol.19 no.23 bs'D from the print version of Magazine Magazine A project of Ascent-of-Safed Vol. 19, No.23 19 Adar-25 Adar, 5783 / March 12-18, 2023 Week of Vayekhel/Pekudei/HaChodesh 5783   PREFACE : A fter the double reading of Vayakhel-Pekudei this week (articles #3-6), an important additional section about the New Moon of the Jewish month of Nissan, which includes much information about the approach to Pesach (Passover) is also read in a second scroll (article #7). Vayakhel begins with 3 verses about the importance of Shabbat observance for Jews (articles #1, 4)     Our Super Shabbat Soul         rom the teachings of Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi The Additional Shabbat Soul is not something that comes from outside of a person, but is a revelation from the deepest part of a person