
Showing posts with the label The Good of the Land "Other Side" in the Land The Good of the Land "Other Side" in the Land

Image The Good of the Land "Other Side" in the Land   "Other Side" in the Land Chapter One, Part 2   Intermediate By Rabbi Nathan Schapira; translation & commentary by David Slavin « Previous Uniqueness of the Land (Ch. 1)   Due to the inequities of the generation of the destruction of the Holy Temple , the forces of the Other Side [the kelipot ] 1 extended a membrane from all directions surrounding Eretz Yisrael towards the middle of the opening [above the Land, as mentioned above]--to the extent of sealing off the flow of divine connection from the supernal Jerusalem with the physical Jerusalem , hence the destruction. We must bear in mind that when the membrane of the Other Side interfered, they didn't seal up the opening at one time [of the destruction], rather the consequences of the idolatry and other transgressions drew forth those forces little by little, until the opening was completely sealed,...