
Showing posts with the label Vayikra 5783 Chasidic Masters Insights on the Torah Reading Vayikra 5783 Chasidic Masters Insights on the Torah Reading

Image Vayikra 5783 Chasidic Masters Insights on the Torah Reading Giving Yourself Chasidic Masters   Beginner By  Binyomin Adilman The Book of Leviticus, contains some of the most difficult subjects in the Torah. The concept of sacrifices is one that is very foreign to the "modern" mind. There are, however, many essential lessons to use in our divine service. "Speak to the Children of Israel and say to them, when a person from  [amongst]  you will offer up a sacrifice to G‑d, from the cattle, herds or flocks should the sacrifice be brought."  ( Lev. 1:2) The Midrash, however, interprets the verse to give us a deeply challenging insight. " Speak to the Children of Israel and say to them, when a person  from you  will offer up a sacrifice to  G‑d .... " G‑d wants  us , not just our sacrifices. In fact, every sacrifice had to be accompanied by genuine repentance before it was accepted. The priest was able to tell if the person