KabbalaOnline.org The Good of the Land "A Land for Every Nation"

 KabbalaOnline.org The Good of the Land "A Land for Every Nation"

Kabbalah Online

A Land for Every Nation

Chapter Two, Part 1


By Rabbi Nathan Schapira; translation & commentary by David Slavin

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"Other Side" in the Land (1:2)


Know that each and every parcel of land was granted to the nation that was best suited for that land. This is hinted at in the verse, "And I shall give the land of Ar to the children of Lot as an inheritance" (Deut. 2:9). That implies that that parcel of land is destined for the children of Lot. Similarly, we see G‑d allocating the area of land, known as the Mountain of Seir, to Esau, as in the verse "As an inheritance to Esau, I have given the Mount of Seir" (Deut. 2:5). Chazal explained that just like he, Esau, was ruddy, so too his land is reddish. Thus again indicating how the land is appropriate for he who was destined to dwell therein.

The reason for the suitability of a land to its nation is because of the compatibility of the ministering angel ruling those people to that piece of land. So too the very souls of those people stem from the kelipa (spiritual husk) that represents that parcel of land. This leads us to observe three types of correlations: the relation of the nation, of the physical land, and of the ministering angel to the soul and providence.This is hinted to in the verse, "That they should save you from a forbidden woman, a strange woman" (Proverbs 7:5). The hint is from the letters spelling "forbidden woman" spell "that the Sar (the ministering angel)", the ruler of that country. For he who lives outside the Land is as if he serves idolatry (cf. Gemara Ketubot 110a), as will be explained.

This concept is surely similar with the Jews and Eretz Yisrael. The level of their Neshama, their Torah, and their relationship with G‑d, is dependent upon their presence in the Land of Israel. For the very soil of Eretz Yisrael is holy and the Jewish people are holy, their souls are holy and their Torah is holy as well as their G‑d is holy for He is their minister. Not only that, but just like Eretz Yisrael and its abundant mitzvot have no comparison with the other countries of the world and the  mitzvot that could be performed therein, the same is true that the Torah, the code of life of Eretz Yisrael, has no comparison with the legal codes and statutes of the other nations of the world. About this it is written, "And you shall not do any of these abominations (the laws of the pagans)" (Lev. 18:26) and "For all of those abominations…" (ibid. 27) and "Let not the land disgorge you, as it had vomited out…" (ibid. 28).

Behold the holy Torah and Eretz Yisrael have a unique relationship. So too the Jewish people have a unique deep spiritual relationship to the land of Israel. This can be seen from the prophet Ezekiel (chapter 48) dividing up the land between the twelve tribes, granting each tribe the parcel of land best suited for its needs. This was accomplished by each tribe bordering the place from where the soul of his tribe emanates from. Thus each mitzvah performed in Eretz Yisrael ascends and adorns each of the borders in relationship to the soul of each tribe. In this way, the completeness of the soul is dependent upon which portion of land it dwells in. And the fulfillment of the land is dependent upon the souls that dwell there in accordance with its existence.

The essence of this is that Zion is the point of the original creation (Gemara Yoma 54b) For, from that point the rest of the world unfolded. That point of course is associated with the Shechina. There are twelve boundaries emanating from that central point. They are the mystery of the measurements of the land and the sanctuary as recounted by the prophet Ezekiel (ch. 48). The Jews take shelter under the edges of the out-spread wings of the  Shechina that extend to the entire border of Eretz Yisrael. Yet, just as the Shechina is not complete so long as the Holy Temple is incomplete, so too the Shechina is incomplete so long as Eretz Yisrael is not complete to the extent of its true borders, which are from the river of Egypt until the Euphrates. That completion is dependent upon its being inhabited by Jews, each according to the place that is most befitting him; this is because G‑d had promised Abraham ten lands as an inheritance to his descendents. Those ten lands correspond to the attribute of malchut that is nesting in the realm of Asiya, for she is incorporated by ten sefirot of her own.

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"Other Side" in the Land (1:2)

By Rabbi Nathan Schapira; translation & commentary by David Slavin

Rabbi Nathan Schapira, an honored member of an eminent Polish rabbinical family, came to Eretz Israel from Cracow during the 17th century, where he became part of a consortium of kabbala scholars. It is reported that he wrote the volume Tuv Haaretz during a trip to Italy, where he was encouraged to print it by R. Moshe Zaccuto, as an effort to ease the emotional and financial hardships of the people at that time of great pogroms.

Rabbi David Slavin is an American long-time student of Torah who now lives in Israel


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