The MEMRI Weekly: March 10-17, 2023

 The MEMRI Weekly: March 10-17, 2023


The MEMRI Weekly: March 10-17, 2023





The following are links to reports from MEMRI's Special Dispatch Series and Inquiry and Analysis Series, as well as to transcripts from the MEMRI TV Project, released during the past week. 


Special Dispatch No. 10528 – Former Saudi Ambassador To The U.S. Prince Turki Al-Faisal: There Will Be No Normalization Of Relations With Israel Before The Establishment Of Palestine, Return Of Refugees, March 17, 2023
 (Listen to audio)

Special Dispatch No. 10527 – Russian Conservative Business Daily 'Vzglyad': Selling Sukhoi-35 Fighter Jets To Iran Is A Middle East Game Changer, March 17, 2023
 (Listen to audio)

MEMRI Daily Brief No. 468 – Hussein Yazdanpana The Kurdish Leader Calling For The Toppling Of The Islamic Republic Of Iran, March 16, 2023
 (Listen to audio)

Special Dispatch No. 10526 – Article In Qatari Daily Incites To Terror Attacks Against Israelis: Surround Them, Pursue Them, 'Make It So That They Will Never Be Safe Not In Jerusalem, Not In Tel Aviv', March 16, 2023
 (Listen to audio)

Special Dispatch No. 10525 – Hamas Daily: An Outsider Cannot Understand The Intensity Of A Palestinian's Joy At News Of A Terror Attack Against Israelis, March 15, 2023
 (Listen to audio)

MEMRI Daily Brief No. 467 – Russia Would Listen Only To China In A Political Settlement Of The Ukraine Crisis, March 15, 2023
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Special Dispatch No. 10524 – Russia Hails Saudi-Iranian Agreement As Rebuff To The United States And Its Confrontational Approach, March 14, 2023
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Special Dispatch No. 10523 – Foreign Policy Expert Yusin: Russian Peacekeeping Force In Nagorno-Karabakh Has Lost The Respect Of Both Armenia And Azerbaijan, March 14, 2023
 (Listen to audio)

MEMRI Daily Brief No. 466 – 'A Secret, Mysterious Religious Organization' The Persecution Of Bahrain's Al-Tajdeed Society, March 13, 2023
 (Listen to audio)

Special Dispatch No. 10522 – In Saudi Press, Cautious Optimism Follows Saudi-Iranian Renewal Of Relations, March 13, 2023
 (Listen to audio)

Special Dispatch No. 10521 – 'National Decision' Declaration On Iran's Islamic Revolution Day: 'We Warn The European Countries Not To Make An Historic Mistake By Declaring The IRGC Terrorist Because We [Would] See This As A Declaration Of War On The Iranian Nation; In Such A Case, They Will Be Forced To Meet The IRGC At Strategic Straits And In Difficult Regions', March 13, 2023
 (Listen to audio)

Special Dispatch No. 10520 – Chinese International Affairs Expert: There Is No Anti-West Alliance Between Russia And China; Our Relations With Russia Are Driven By Independent Factors And Should Not Affect Our Relations With America, Europe, March 13, 2023
 (Listen to audio)



MEMRI TV Clip No. 10178 – Mali's Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop: The West Has 'Despicable' Standards For Selling Weapons To Africa, So Instead We Buy Weapons From Russia, Turkey, China, Mayadeen TV (Lebanon)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10177 – Former Saudi Ambassador To The U.S. Prince Turki Al-Faisal: There Will Be No Normalization Of Relations With Israel Before The Establishment Of Palestine, Return Of Refugees, France 24 Arabic TV (France)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10176 – Anti-Regime Protests Throughout Iran During Traditional Fire Festival Of Chaharshanbe Suri: Khamenei Will Be Toppled! This Is The Year Of Bloody Uprising!, The Internet

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10175 – In Military Exercise, Palestinian Islamic Jihad Fighters Simulate Raiding An Israeli Settlement: We Will Fight Until Palestine Is Liberated, Cleansed Of The Filth Of The Zionists, The Internet

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10174 – Fatah Revolutionary Council Member Jamal Al-Huwail Compares Palestinian Militant To Hollywood Action Hero: 'We Are Not Only At War Israel, But We Are At War With The West And The Entire World', Al-Manar TV (Lebanon)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10173 – Tehran University Professor Foad Izadi On Renewal Of Saudi-Iran Relations: We Would All Be Zoroastrians Were It Not For The People Of The Hejaz – They Are Not Our Enemies; The Good News Is That The U.S. Is In Decline, Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10172 – Gaza Islamic Scholar Dr. Muhammad Suleiman Al-Farra Issues A Fatwa On Hamas TV: Palestinian Authority Security Forces Are Religiously Obligated To Join The Jihad In The West Bank, Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/Gaza)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10171 – Egyptian Researcher Mahmoud Salem: The Jews Are Extremely Violent In Denying The Authenticity Of The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion; Anyone Discussing The Protocols Has Their Social Media Accounts Shut Down, Channel 9/Qanat TV (Turkey)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10170 – Moroccan Islamic Scholar Sheikh Abou Younes Elfraani: The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion Have Been Translated Into Arabic, Yet The Arabs Do Nothing; The Jews Want Israel To Span From Nile To The Euphrates, The Internet

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10169 – Friday Sermon In Dehdasht, Iran By Ali Vahdanifar: There Is No Going Backward On Nuclear Issues; Netanyahu Could Not Hold Out Against Hizbullah – How Does He Expect To Face Iran?, Dena TV (Iran)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10168 – Gaza Islamic Scholar Wael Al-Zard On Hamas TV: We Have Teams Planning What To Do With Israel's Nuclear Missiles Once We Liberate Palestine And Whether To Throw The Jews Into The Sea, Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/Gaza)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10167 – Mother Of Imprisoned Terrorist Wael Jaghoub To Palestinian Authority TV: The Gun Is The Only Thing That Will Restore Our Land And Free The Prisoners; For Every Man Who Is Martyred, There Is Another To Take His Place, Palestinian Authority TV

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10166 – Saudi Arabia Then And Now: Malls Full Of Burqas Have Transformed Into Hollywood-Esque Awards Shows With Women Wearing Western-Style Evening Gowns, The Internet


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The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is an independent, non-profit organization that translates and analyzes the media of the Middle East. Copies of articles and documents cited, as well as background information, are available on request.

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Free to study all Jewish Scripture:

Our Prayer and hope: All the gates to the Har ha-Bait have to be opened for Jews and non-Jews seven days in the week 24 hours a day. The Jews need to have the freedom to go with Tefillin, Tallit and Torah Scroll up on the Mountain to serve Hashem. And do קידה ('Kidah' prostate, laying down, before Hashem) Everyone showing his/her respect for the Jewish and all other religions. But NOT for the words/deeds/sins spoken against any word of the Torah of Moshe Rabbeinu and the 'real' teachings of the Jewish Rabbis. The Jews must be the guardians of the Har ha-Bait.

תפילתנו ותקוותנו: כל שערי הר הבית צריכים להיפתח עבור יהודים ולא-יהודים שבעה ימים בשבוע 24 שעות ביממה. ליהודים צריך להיות חופש ללכת עם תפילין, טלית וספר תורה במעלה ההר כדי לשרת את ה' ולקוד קידה .מתוך הפגנת כבוד ליהודים ולכל הדתות האחרות, אבל לא למילים/למעשים/לחטאים הנאמרים נגד תורת משה רבנו. מלמודי רבנים, היהודים חייבים להיות שומרי הר הבית.

Let's pray for a death sentence for the Palestinian Authority, Hamas, Hezbollah and for the continuation of the Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria. The Palestinian Authority, Hamas and Hezbollah must disappear. Enough of the hatred from the world (the USA, the European Union, and the UN!) against the Jewish people.


בואו נתפלל לגזר דין מוות לרשות הפלסטינית, חמאס, חיזבאללה ולהתיישבות יהודית ביהודה ושומרון. הרשות הפלסטינית, חמאס וחיזבאללה חייבים להעלם. די לשנאה מהעולם (ארה"ב, האיחוד האירופי והאו"ם!) נגד העם היהודי!

The Jews have the mission to change the Har HaBait, from her situation now, into a Prayer House for all peoples based on the Torah Law of Moshe Rabbeinu.


על היהודים מוטלת המשימה לשנות את הר הבית, ממצבו הקיים, לבית תפילה לכל העמים על פי חוק התורה של משה רבנו.


Ariel, hopefully your Representee

אריאל, מקווה שהנציג שלך

Click: If you have Prayer Requests

I pray as a Jew when I bring your prayers.


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