Kollel Iyun Hadaf Revach La'Daf: Sotah 21-25

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Rebbi Yishmael holds that a merit can save a Sotah for up to three years. A woman is not commanded to learn Torah. An Aveirah can extinguish a Mitzvah but it cannot extinguish Torah. Rav Yosef and Rava hold that it is the merit of a Mitzvah that potentially saves a Sotah. Rava says that while a person is occupied with Torah it protects him from hardship and saves him from the evil inclination. When a person is no longer occupied with Torah it protects him from hardship, but does not save him from the evil inclination. A Mitzvah protects a person from hardship, but does not save him from the evil inclination even when he is occupied in it. Ravina holds that it is the reward for Torah that potentially saves a Sotah. A
woman receives reward for Torah when her children go to the Beis
ha'Sefer and for waiting up late for her husband to come home from the
Beis ha'Midrash. A person who supports a Talmid Chacham after he
already learned Torah does not receive a share of the Torah of the
Talmid Chacham. As soon as a person learns Chachmah he becomes sneaky smart. A person only retains his Torah if he first strips himself from all other concerns. A person only retains his Torah if he belittles himself over it. A
Chasid Shoteh is a person who refuses to save a drowning woman with the
justification that it is not proper to look at a woman. Rebbi Yochanan says that a Rasha Arum is a person who tries to win over the judge before the case is heard. Rebbi
Avahu says that a Rasha Arum is a person who gives a Dinar to a person
who has 199 Zuz so that he will no longer be allowed to receive
Tzedakah. A person who has 200 Zuz may not take Matnos Aniyim; if he has 199 Zuz he may take even 1,000 Zuz in one shot. Rebbi
Asi says that a Rasha Arum is a person who gives advice to orphans to
sell the inheritance that is insufficient for Mezonos of both the sons
and daughters. (1) Rebbi says that if someone gives a gift and
dictates that after the recipient's death the gift shall be given to
Ploni, if the recipient sells the gift it is not valid. Rebbi
Shimon Ben Gamliel says that if the recipient sells the gift it is valid
and Ploni only receives the amount that is left over. (2) Rebbi Sheshes says that a Rasha Arum is a person who tells others to follow in his ways. (3) Rebbi Huna says that a Rasha Arum is a person who is lenient for himself and is stringent for others.
1. If there is insufficient inheritance for Mezonos to support all
of the sons and daughters, the daughters are given the money for Mezonos
and not the sons. However if the sons sell the property instead of
giving it to the daughters it is a valid sale. 2. In accordance
with the opinion of Rebbi Shimon Ben Gamliel, Abaye says that a Rasha
Arum is a person who gives advice to the recipient to sell the gift that
he received and thus keeps it away from Ploni. 3. His intention
is to show off that he is a big Tzadik while meanwhile he is committing
an Aveirah that he attempts to hide by giving the appearance of a
THE PITFALLS OF OLAM HA'ZEH Someone who is walking in the
dark is in fear of pitfalls along the way and of the wild animals and
bandits and does not know which way to go. When he attains a torch he is
no longer afraid of the pitfalls and when day breaks he is no longer
afraid of the animals and bandits and when he reaches the fork in the
road he now knows which way to go. The explanation is that this world is
analogous to a dark night because a person's wisdom is blinded by the
darkness of materialism and physical pleasures. When it is dark outside
there are potential pitfalls with every step a person takes. Even if a
person manages to avoid the physical pleasures and materialism of the
world by virtue of doing the Mitzvos, the evil inclination, that is
analogous to wild animals and bandits, is constantly trying to ambush a
person and make him stumble. Even if a person merits to learn Torah and
conquer the evil inclination he is not assured that the Torah he is
learning will lead him on the right path because some scholars such as
Doeg and Achitofel eventually did fall prey to the evil inclination
because the Torah only saves a person from the evil inclination while he
is occupied in it. Once a person attains fear of sin, or when he
reaches his last day without having sinned, he is assured of his
success. (Netziv, Keren Orah, Maharsha)
TAKING FROM TZEDAKAH Someone who has enough food for two meals
may not take from the Tamchuy and someone who has enough food for 14
meals may not take from the Kupah. A person who has 200 Zuz even though
he is not using them for business may not take Leket, Shichechah or
Ma'aser Ani, but if he has 199 Zuz even if he is given 1000 Zuz at one
time he may take it. If a person has 200 Zuz but he owes it as a Chov,
or it is collateral for his wife's Kesuvah he may take Tzedakah. (Rambam
Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 9: 13)
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22 (12 Sivan) - Today's Torah study has been dedicated on behalf of
Chaim ben Rinah Bitton of Geneva and Melissa Leah bat Esther of Montreal
on the day of their marriage, in prayer that they should merit to live a
happy and successful life in Torah and Mitzvot together. |
Ula says that a Rasha Arum is a person who learned Mikra and Mishnah but he did not learn from a Talmid Chacham. (1) Rebbi Eliezer says that a person who learned Mikra and Mishnah but did not learn from a Talmid Chacham is an Am ha'Aretz. (2) Rebbi Meir says that an Am ha'Aretz is someone who does not recite Keri'as Shema with the Berachos. (3) The
Chachamim say that one who does not wear Tefilin is an Am ha'Aretz, but
Ben Azai says that it is a person without Tzitzis on his clothing. (4) Someone who learns Mikra without Mishnah is a Bor (worse than an Am ha'Aretz). Rebbi Huna says that when someone does an Aveirah twice he regards it as something permissible. Rebbi Yochanan said that he learned fear of sin from a Besulah who prayed that she will not be the cause of people to sin. Rebbi
Yochanan said that he learned how to receive extra reward from a widow
who went to a distant Shul in order to receive extra reward. Those that decide Halachah in accordance with the Mishnah are destroyers of the world. A Talmid who decides Halachah before he is ready destroys the world. A Talmid Chacham who is ready to decide Halachah but fails to do so also causes destruction. A Talmid Chacham is not ready to decide Halachah until he is 40 years old. (5) There are seven types of Perushim (people that fraudulently act as if they are big Tzadikim). A
person should learn Torah she'Lo Lishmah because as a result of
learning she'Lo Lishmah a person will eventually learn Lishmah. The Heavenly Beis Din will punish those that fraudulently pretend to be Perushim. Rebbi Shimon says that a merit does not save a Sotah. Rebbi
says that a merit does save a Sotah, but she will not give birth and
she will weaken and eventually die the death of a Sotah.
1. Since he did not learn from a Talmid Chacham he does not
understand the Mishnah properly and his Halachic decisions will
inevitably be erroneous. He is an Arum because people who see him
learning Mishnah will assume he is a Talmid Chacham and will honor him
as a Talmid Chacham. 2. Rebbi Shmuel Bar Nachmani says that he
is a Bor, Rebbi Yanai says that he is a Kusi and Rebbi Acha Bar Yakov
says that he is a Magush (sorcerer). 3. An Am ha'Aretz is not trusted regarding Taharos and Ma'asros and his Maga is regarded as Tamei. 4.
Rebbi Yonasan Bar Yosef says that an Am ha'Aretz is someone who has
children and does not raise them to learn Torah. Acherim say that an Am
ha'Aretz is someone who learned Mikra and Mishnah but did not learn from
a Talmid Chacham. 5. If the Talmid Chacham is equal to the
Gadol of the city or if there is no one else older than him he may
decide Halachah under the age of 40.
WORSE THAN AN AM HA'ARETZ Rashi says that a Bor is worse
than an Am ha'Aretz. The Maharsha explains that a Bor lacks basic Midos
and Derech Eretz while an Am ha'Aretz lacks wisdom and Torah but he does
have basic Derech Eretz. A Kusi is worse even than a Bor because a Kusi
is not concerned with the dictates of the Chachamim and therefore does
not perform the Mitzvos properly.
PREMATURELY DECIDING HALACHAH A Talmid Chacham who is not ready
to decide Halachah but does so anyway is a Rasha, a Shoteh and
conceited. A Talmid Chacham who is ready to decide Halachah but fails to
do so withholds Torah and places stumbling blocks in front of the
blind. The small Talmidim who have not learned sufficient Torah and wish
to act self-important in front of the Amei ha'Aretz and their
townspeople and they jump to sit at the head for Dinim and Halachic
decisions are the cause for increased disputes in Klal Yisrael and they
destroy the world and extinguish the flame of Torah and damage the
vineyard of Hashem Tzvakos. (Rambam Hilchos Talmud Torah 5:4)
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daf@dafyomi.co.il http://www.dafyomi.co.il
& Revach l'Neshamah - http://www.revach.net
23-25 - A week of study material has been dedicated by Mrs. Rita
Grunberger of Queens, N.Y., in loving memory of her husband, Reb
Yitzchok Yakov (Irving) ben Eliyahu Grunberger. Irving Grunberger helped
many people quietly in an unassuming manner and is dearly missed by all
who knew him. His Yahrzeit is 10 Sivan. |
If the Sotah admits that she is Teme'ah or if witnesses testify that
she is Teme'ah her Minchah is burned on the Beis ha'Deshen. (1) If a Bas Yisrael is married to a Kohen the remnants of her Minchah are burned on the Beis ha'Deshen. (2) If a Bas Kohen is married to a Yisrael the remnants of her Minchah are eaten by the Kohanim. A
Bas Kohen can become disqualified from the Kehunah, she is permitted to
be Mitamei to Mesim and she may not eat Kodshei Kodashim. A woman who is a Metzora does not do the Peri'ah (letting her hair grow) or Perimah (ripping her clothing). A woman may not make her son into a Nazir and may not use her father's Korbanos for her Nezirus. A woman may not be Mekadesh or sell her daughter. A
woman is not disrobed when she is stoned, she is not hung after being
stoned and she is not sold as a servant if she is unable to repay a
Geneivah. Once a portion of the Korban is burned on the
Mizbe'ach it is prohibited to burn any other part of the Korban on the
Mizbe'ach. (3) Rebbi Eliezer holds that if the limbs of a Chatas
and Olah get mixed together the entire mixture should be placed l'Shem
Etzim (wood) on the Mizbe'ach. (4) The Chachamim hold that the limbs of the Chatas and Olah should be left out overnight and then burned. Rebbi
Eliezer Bar Shimon says that the Kometz of a Minchas Chovah that is
brought by a Kohen is burned on the Mizbe'ach and the remnant is burned
on the Beis ha'Deshen. (5) A Kohen can disqualify his children from Kehunah, but he cannot disqualify himself. (6) An Arusah and Shomeres Yavam who underwent Kinuy and Setirah do not drink the Mei Sotah but they do not receive a Kesuvah.
1. If the Sotah refuses to drink or if her husband refuses to give
her to drink or if her husband had relations with her on the way, her
Minchah is burned on the Beis ha'Deshen. 2. The Minchah of a
Kohen is totally consumed on the Mizbe'ach and the Minchah of a Kohenes
is eaten by the Kohanim. However the Minchah of the wife of a Kohen also
belongs to the Kohen and therefore it may not be eaten and instead the
remnants are burned on the Beis ha'Deshen. 3. The prohibition includes the flesh of all Korbanos with the exception of the Olah and the remnant of the Minchah. 4.
Rebbi Eliezer holds that the prohibition to burn the flesh of a Korban
on the Mizbe'ach only applies if it is placed on the Mizbe'ach l'Rei'ach
Nicho'ach. Therefore if the limbs of the Chatas are placed on the
Mizbe'ach l'Shem Etzim it is permitted. 5. The Chachamim argue
with Rebbi Eliezer Bar Shimon and they hold that a Minchas Chovah of a
Kohen shares the same Din as a Minchas Nedavah and it is entirely
consumed on the Mizbe'ach. 6. If he marries a woman who is
forbidden to a Kohen his children are Chalalim but the Kohen remains a
Kosher Kohen. However he is temporarily disqualified until he divorces
according to the opinion that a Shomeres Yavam who is Mezaneh is
permitted to her husband, if she underwent Kinuy and Setirah she loses
her Kesuvah because the husband could say that he does not want a wife
who is a Zonah. Tosfos disagrees with Rashi because if she is permitted
to her husband the husband cannot be Mekanei her at all. However, the
Gemara explains that the Mishnah is referring to a case that the Yavam
was Bo'el the Yevamah b'Znus and even though it is not a complete Yibum
according to Shmuel and therefore she is still regarded as a Shomeres
Yavam, however if she is Mezaneh she is forbidden to the Yavam even
according to Rav Hamnuna.
MARRYING OFF A DAUGHTER A father may be Mekadesh his daughter
without her consent while she is a Ketanah. He may also be Mekadesh her
while she is a Na'arah and the money of the Kidushin belongs to the
father. The father also has the right to her Metzi'ah, her handiwork and
her Kesuvah if she is divorced or widowed from Erusin. (Rambam Hilchos
Ishus 3:11)
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brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
daf@dafyomi.co.il http://www.dafyomi.co.il
& Revach l'Neshamah - http://www.revach.net
23-25 - A week of study material has been dedicated by Mrs. Rita
Grunberger of Queens, N.Y., in loving memory of her husband, Reb
Yitzchok Yakov (Irving) ben Eliyahu Grunberger. Irving Grunberger helped
many people quietly in an unassuming manner and is dearly missed by all
who knew him. His Yahrzeit is 10 Sivan. |
A widow married to a Kohen Gadol or a divorcee or Chalutzah married
to a Kohen does not drink the Mei Sotah and does not receive a Kesuvah.
(1) A Mamzeres or a Nesinah married to a Yisrael or a Bas
Yisrael married to a Mamzer or Nasin does not drink the Mei Sotah and
does not receive a Kesuvah. If the Sotah admits that she is
Teme'ah, or if witnesses testify that she is Teme'ah, or if she refuses
to drink she does not drink the Mei Sotah and does not receive a
Kesuvah. If the husband refuses to give her to drink or if he
had relations with her on the way she does not drink the Mei Sotah but
she receives her Kesuvah. (2) If the husband dies before the
Sotah drank the Mei Sotah according to Beis Shamai she receives her
Kesuvah but Beis Hillel argues. Rebbi Meir says that a Sotah who
married her husband when she was pregnant or nursing from a previous
marriage does not drink the Mei Sotah and does not receive a Kesuvah.
(3) The Chachamim hold that the pregnant or nursing woman may
drink the Mei Sotah because he may remarry her when the child is two
years old. The Tana Kama says that a Sotah who is an Ailonis, or
she is old, or otherwise infertile does not drink the Mei Sotah and
does not receive a Kesuvah. (4) Rebbi Eliezer says that even
though she is infertile she drinks the Mei Sotah because her husband may
keep her and marry a second wife who is fertile. The wife of a Kohen may drink the Mei Sotah and if she survives she is permitted to her husband. The wife of a Saris may drink the Mei Sotah. If the husband is Mekanei his wife for one of her relatives it is a Kinuy but if he is Mekanei for a Katan it is not a Kinuy. Beis
Din is Mekanei the wife of somebody who is a deaf mute, or a Shoteh or
if he is locked up in jail, however she may not drink the Mei Sotah. (5) Rebbi Yosi says that if Beis Din is Mekanei her when the husband is locked up he may give her to drink when he is released. Although an Arusah and Shomeres Yavam do not drink the Mei Sotah her husband may be Mekanei her. (6) An Arusah who is Mezaneh is Chayav Sekilah, but a Shomeres Yavam who is Mezaneh is not Chayav Misah. A Sotah only drinks the Mei Sotah if she had relations with her husband prior to her relations with the Bo'el. Rav holds that if the Yavam is Bo'el the Yevamah b'Znus it is a complete Yibum with respect to all of the Dinim. Shmuel holds that it is only a Yibum with respect to the Dinim mentioned in the Parshah of Yibum. (7)
1. If they underwent Kinuy and Setirah they lose their Kesuvos,
however they do not drink the Mei Sotah since they are in any case
forbidden to their husbands. 2. Since he is the cause that she cannot drink the Mei Sotah he must pay her the Kesuvah. 3.
It is forbidden to marry a woman who is pregnant or nursing until the
child is two years old and Rebbi Meir holds that if someone does marry
her he must divorce her and he may never remarry her. 4. She
does not drink the Mei Sotah because she is forbidden to her husband if
he has not yet fulfilled the Mitzvah of Peru u'Rvu. 5. The purpose of the Kinuy is to cause her to lose her Kesuvah. 6.
Rebbi Yoshiyah holds that a Shomeres Yavam may drink the Mei Sotah but
Rebbi Yonasan holds that she does not drink the Mei Sotah. 7. It
is only a Yibum so that he can divorce her with a Get and no Chalitzah
is needed and that he inherits his deceased brother, however with regard
to Terumah and Tum'ah, if he is a Kohen and giving her to drink from
the Mei Sotah it is not regarded as a Yibum.
MEI SOTAH FOR A CHALUTZAH A widow married to a Kohen Gadol
or a divorcee or Chalutzah married to a Kohen does not drink the Mei
Sotah but does not receive a Kesuvah. The Tosfos Yom Tov says that
although a Chalutzah is only forbidden to a Kohen mid'Rabanan the
Chachamim have the right to uproot a Mitzvah in the Torah if it does not
require an act and therefore they uprooted the Mitzvah of the Mei Sotah
and they do not allow a Chalitzah to drink since she is forbidden to
her husband mid'Rabanan. The Rashash says however that it is not
regarded as uprooting the Mitzvah since the Mitzvah of drinking the Mei
Sotah is not obligatory and if the husband does not want his wife to
drink the Mei Sotah it is his choice and she is not given to drink.
AN INFERTILE SOTAH Someone who does not have a wife who is
fertile and does not yet have children and is married to an Akarah, or
an old woman, or an Ailonis she does not drink and does not receive a
Kesuvah. If the husband has children or another wife who is fertile, he
gives his wife to drink, even though she is infertile, because that
which the Torah states that if she is innocent she will conceive is
referring to a fertile woman who will now give birth with less pain if
childbirth was originally painful for her, or will now give birth to a
male if she originally gave birth to females. (Rambam Hilchos Sotah
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brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
daf@dafyomi.co.il http://www.dafyomi.co.il
& Revach l'Neshamah - http://www.revach.net
23-25 - A week of study material has been dedicated by Mrs. Rita
Grunberger of Queens, N.Y., in loving memory of her husband, Reb
Yitzchok Yakov (Irving) ben Eliyahu Grunberger. Irving Grunberger helped
many people quietly in an unassuming manner and is dearly missed by all
who knew him. His Yahrzeit is 10 Sivan. |
A person may be Mekanei an Arusah in order to give her to drink from the Mei Sotah after the marriage. A Kohen Gadol who is married to a widow may be Mekanei his wife, but he may not give her to drink. (1) A Sotah is prohibited to her husband and to the Bo'el. Beis Din is Mekanei the wife of a deaf mute or a Shoteh in order to strip her of her Kesuvah. (1) A wife who is Overes Al Das (acts promiscuously) does not lose her Kesuvah unless she was first warned. It is a Safek if a husband may stay with his wife if she acts promiscuously. A husband may be Mochel on his Kinuy prior to the Setirah, but after the Setirah he may no longer be Mochel. It is a Machlokes if the Beis Din may be Mochel a Zaken Mamrei. The parents of a Ben Sorer u'Moreh may be Mochel him. Two Talmidei Chachamim accompany the Sotah on the road to Yerushalayim. Rebbi Yosi says that the husband is trusted that he will not have relations with her. (2) Beis Shamai holds that a Shtar that will be collected is as if it has been collected but Beis Hillel argues. (3) Rebbi Nachman says that even according to Rebbi Eliezer an Ailonis may not drink the Mei Sotah. (4) If
both the Kinuy and Setirah of an Arusah and Shomeres Yavam were prior
to the Nisu'in she does not drink the Mei Sotah but does not receive a
Kesuvah. (4)
1. However she does not drink the Mei Sotah. 2. It is not
necessary for Talmidei Chachamim to accompany them according to Rebbi
Yosi. It is a Kal va'Chomer that if a husband is trusted with his wife
who is a Nidah even though it is a Chiyuv Kares certainly he should be
trusted with a Sotah which is an Isur Lav. The Chachamim disagree with
Rebbi Yosi because the a Sotah who may be prohibited forever cannot be
learned out from a Nidah which is a temporary prohibition. 3.
When the husband dies before he can give his wife to drink according to
Beis Shamai she collects her Kesuvah because it is as if the Kesuvah was
already collected and therefore the burden of proof that she was
Mezaneh is on the family of the husband. Beis Hillel holds the Kesuvah
is not as if it is collected and therefore the burden of proof is on the
Sotah. 4. Even though Rebbi Eliezer holds that an Akarah and
Zekeinah may drink the Mei Sotah since the husband can keep her and
marry another wife however he agrees that an Ailonis does not drink the
Mei Sotah.
AN OVERES AL DAS The Gemara says that an Overes Al Das
requires a warning before she loses her Kesuvah because the Mishnah says
that Beis Din is Mekanei the wife of a deaf mute or a Shoteh in order
to cause her to lose her Kesuvah and if an Overes Al Das did not need a
warning she would lose her Kesuvah even without the Kinuy of Beis Din.
The Tosfos Shantz asks that not every Sotah is Overes Al Das; the
Setirah of a Sotah is not necessarily an Isur Yichud because if there is
an open door to the Reshus ha'Rabim it is not regarded as Yichud,
however it would be regarded as a Setirah for a Sotah. The Tosfos Shantz
answers that Beis Din is only Mekanei the wife of a Cheresh or Shoteh
if she is Overes Al Das.
MECHILAH ON A KINUY A husband who is Mochel his Kinuy prior to
the Setirah it is a valid Kinuy and it is as if he was never Mekanei
her, but if he was Mochel the Kinuy after the Setirah it is not a
Mechilah. If he divorces her it is regarded as a Mechilah and if he
remarries her he must be Mekanei her again. (Rambam Hilchos Sotah 1:7)
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 Please Mr. Netanyahu, Mr. Ben Gvir, Mr. Smotrich and Mr. Gallant unite and bring Hashem’s Righteousness back to the Har HaBayit?
Under HaShem’s Righteousness the Har HaBayit shall become a Prayer House for all peoples. Jews, Muslims, and Christians when they put away Avoda Zara and their false doctrines……
By annulling that covenant made with the Islamic authorities in ’67 on the Har Habayit and all other covenants, banning all crimes and abominations by PA, Hamas and Islamic Jihad with an Iron fist declaring Jewish Sovereignty in all the Land Hashem gave the Jewish People in ’67. | בבקשה מר נתניהו, מר בן גביר, מר סמוטריץ' ומר גלנט תתאחדו והחזירו את צדקת ה' להר הבית,?
תחת צדקת השם הר הבית יהפוך לבית תפילה לכל העמים: יהודים, מוסלמים ונוצרים כשהם מסירים עבודה זרה ואת דוקטרינות השקר שלהם... על ידי ביטול הברית שנכרתה עם השלטונות האיסלאמיים בשנת 67' על הר הבית וכל שאר הבריתות, איסור על כל הפשעים והתועבות שנעשות על ידי הרשות הפלסטינית, חמאס והג'יהאד האסלאמי. והכרזת ריבונות יהודית על כל ארץ ישראל. |
Come let us Pray that Hashem's Righteousness shall 'return' to the Har haBayit and the whole of Eretz Israel.
| בוא נתפלל שצדקת ה' 'תשוב' להר הבית ולארץ ישראל כולה. | Free to study all Jewish Scripture: | חופשי ללמוד את כל כתבי הקודש היהודיים: | Sefaria Calendar - לוח שנה ספריה
Our Prayer and hope: All the gates to the Har haBayit have to be opened for Jews and non-Jews seven days in the week 24 hours a day. The Jews need to have the freedom to go with Tefillin, Tallit and Torah Scroll up on the Mountain to serve Hashem. And do קידה ('Kidah' prostate, laying down, before Hashem) Everyone showing his/her respect for the Jewish and all other religions. But NOT for the words/deeds/sins spoken against any word of the Torah of Moshe Rabbeinu and the 'real' teachings of the Jewish Rabbis. The Jews must be the guardians of the Har haBayit. |
תפילתנו ותקוותנו: כל שערי הר הבית צריכים להיפתח עבור יהודים ולא-יהודים שבעה ימים בשבוע 24 שעות ביממה. ליהודים צריך להיות חופש ללכת עם תפילין, טלית וספר תורה במעלה ההר כדי לשרת את ה' ולקוד קידה .מתוך הפגנת כבוד ליהודים ולכל הדתות האחרות, אבל לא למילים/למעשים/לחטאים הנאמרים נגד תורת משה רבנו. מלמודי רבנים, היהודים חייבים להיות שומרי הר הבית. |
Let's pray for a death sentence for the Palestinian Authority, Hamas, Hezbollah and for the continuation of the Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria. The Palestinian Authority, Hamas and Hezbollah must disappear. Enough of the hatred from the world (the USA, the European Union, and the UN!) against the Jewish people. |
בואו נתפלל לגזר דין מוות לרשות הפלסטינית, חמאס, חיזבאללה ולמען התיישבות יהודית ביהודה ושומרון. הרשות הפלסטינית, חמאס וחיזבאללה חייבים להעלם. די לשנאה מהעולם (ארה"ב, האיחוד האירופי והאו"ם!) נגד העם היהודי! |
The Jews have the mission to change the Har HaBayit, from her situation now, into a Prayer House for all peoples based on the Torah Law of Moshe Rabbeinu.
על היהודים מוטלת המשימה לשנות את הר הבית, ממצבו הקיים, לבית תפילה לכל העמים על פי חוק התורה של משה רבנו. | Ariel, hopefully your Representee | אריאל, מקווה שהנציג שלך | By Har HaBait Jewish Sovereign for all Israel I pray as a Jew when I bring your prayers. |
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