Rabbi Ginsburgh for Toldot 5783



Happy Rosh Chodesh Kislev!

The sleep that is the sense of the month of Kislev is not an escape from reality into a dream world. Instead, it affords us the opportunity to dream in a manner that will allow us to realize the dream and by means of the dream—to influence reality. This, for example, was the power of the Hasmoneans, whose successful war together with its miracles we celebrate on Chanukah, at the end of the month of Kislev.

Their ability to face off against the Hellenists, a branch of the world-culture of their time, stemmed from the power of their vision and their dream. While a dream is nothing more than virtual reality, it makes it possible for a person to act in reality by the light of his dream—to shoot arrows from his vision into reality in order to rectify and change it.

Kislev is the time to dream and to watch as dreams do come true!

Shabbat Shalom,
The Gal Einai Team


Wonders for Parashat Toldot

Read online or download to print this week's Wonders, our weekly magazine for Parashat Toldot.

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Kislev: Sweet Dreams

Which of our dreams are meaningless and which contain a spiritual message?
Click here


Rebecca, Esau and the Fourth Revolution

In this fascinating article, we learn what the Academy of Shem and Ever was all about. As it turns out, it was the first outreach center for all people, bringing them closer to God and Torah. Read all about it and about Rebecca’s outreach to the world and how her efforts impacted her two children Jacob and Esau.
Click here


The Maharsha: Advice for the Living and the Dead

Sometimes, it is tempting to defame someone who seems to be on a lower level than we are. But in our story, we see that what meets the eye is not necessarily the entire story and believing it can lead to huge mistakes.
Read the article


Toldot: The Third Way

Invaders in the Land of Israel are nothing new. Three and a half millennia ago the patriarchs dealt with the invading Philistines. In this week's Torah portion, we learn about three ways Isaac used to deal with them. Which one actually worked and how? Read the article to find out


An Ancient Melody

In honor of the new month of Kislev and the approaching festival of Chanukah, this melody is from Rabbi Ginsburgh’s disk, “Meditative Melodies for Chanukah”
Vocals: Rabbi Ginsburgh
Violin: Mordechai Brodsky
Click here for the melody

To purchase the mp3 download click here:


From Rabbi Ginsburgh's Students

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman: Fruits of the Orchard: Toldot
Click here.

Rabbi Moshe Genuth teaches a class from HaRav Ginsburgh on the foundations that make a good marriage and a happy relationship between husband and wife. This is part 1 of this topic. To view part 2, please visit Rabbi Genuth's Patreon page and enjoy hundreds of classes on Chasidic psychology, all based on HaRav Ginsburgh's teachings.


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8:30 pm Israel time (1:30 pm EDT, 10:30 AM PDT) -
Miriam Rhodes

9:15 pm Israel time (2:15 pm EDT, 11:15 1m PDT) -
Rabbi Elimelech Weisblum: Rabbi Ginsburgh's newest teachings.

7:00 pm Israel time (12:00 pm EDT, 9:00 am PDT)
Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman: Fundamentals of Kabbalah and Chassidut

Click here to join us on Zoom

You can find previous classes on our Gal Einai Students YouTube channel.


Q&A: Bad Dream

Q: I had a bad dream about something terrible happening to my baby. I am terrified. Please help.

Read Rabbi Ginsburgh's response


Meditative Melodies for Chanukah

A collection of authentic melodies that are sung in various Chassidic courts while and after the Chanukah candles are lit. Several of these melodies are recorded here for the first time. Included a sacred melody attributed to Jacob our Patriarch.
For details and to purchase


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This newsletter is dedicated in loving memory of Alteh Necheh bat Idel and R' Elimelech ben Moshe. May it be an aliyat neshamah for them.



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