This is the last week that we spend with Abraham, as we read the Torah portion of Chayei Sarah.



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This is the last week that we spend with Abraham, as we read the Torah portion of Chayei Sarah. 

Abraham bought the Cave of Machpelah for four hundred silver shekels. In Hebrew, the word for silver, kesef, is also the root of the word kisufim, which means ‘longing’. Kabbalistic literature speaks of ‘four hundred worlds of longing’: Four hundred worlds of pleasure that the tzaddikim (righteous individuals) inherit in the World to Come. This is the secret of the four hundred silver (longing) shekels that Abraham paid for the Cave.

The Cave of Machpelah represents the lofty pleasure of the World to Come, here, in this world. Actually, the entire Land of Israel is innately connected to the World to Come. Israel is the “Land of Life”. But the Cave of Machpelah in Hebron is the place of the connection to the World to Come. (The Hebrew word for Hebron, חברון, shares a root with חיבור, which means ‘connection’). For this reason, the act of taking possession of the Land of Israel begins in Hebron, in the past and for always.

Rebbe Nachman of Breslov says that one must always live with “the memory of the World to Come”. We do not to reach the World to Come of after ending our stay in this world. Instead, we must remember the World to Come while we are living. By doing so, we connect the worlds and draw the life force of the World to Come down into the life of this world.

This is the secret of our holy Patriarchs and Matriarchs, who are interred in the Cave of Machpelah, and this is the secret of the entire Torah portion of Chayei Sarah – the life of Sarah that holistically connects the two worlds.
Enjoy this week’s articles, two of which are about two totally different aspects of Abraham – aging, and his association with Eastern religions.

Shabbat Shalom,
The Gal Einai Team


Wonders for Parashat Chayei Sarah

Read online or download to print this week's Wonders, our weekly magazine for Parashat Lech Lecha.

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The Young Old Man

Abraham was the first old man in history. What can we learn from him about aging?
Click here


Eastern Wisdom: The Spiritual Source of Om

What is “a name of impurity” that Rashi says is the gift Abraham gave to his offspring that went to the Lands of the East?
Click here


Rabbi Meshel Glebstein: Guarding the Temple

When the Temple is destroyed and no service can be performed there, the mitzvah of safeguarding it becomes doubly important.
Read the article


The Blessings of Shelichus

The anatomy of the shaliach, an emissary sent by the Lubavitcher Rebbe to illuminate the world.

Read the article


“I Can Always Do More: An Inner Perspective on the Trait of Fear

Rabbi Ginsburgh explains how to adopt Isaac’s trait of fear of God and how it can be applied to accomplish more and more in our lives.
Click here


From Rabbi Ginsburgh's Students

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman: Fruits of the Orchard: Chayei Sara
Click here.

Rabbi Moshe Genuth continues with a series of short 20 minute classes on the Lubavitcher Rebbe's Likkutei Sichot Volume 1 for Parashat Chayei Sarah viewed in the light of Rabbi Ginsburgh's teachings.


Check out our new English channel and subscribe here.

SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF 26 Cheshvan/Nov. 20

8:30 pm Israel time (1:30 pm EDT, 10:30 AM PDT) -
Miriam Rhodes

9:15 pm Israel time (2:15 pm EDT, 11:15 1m PDT) -
Rabbi Elimelech Weisblum: Rabbi Ginsburgh's newest teachings.

7:00 pm Israel time (12:00 pm EDT, 9:00 am PDT)
Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman: Fundamentals of Kabbalah and Chassidut

Click here to join us on Zoom

You can find previous classes on our Gal Einai Students YouTube channel.


Q&A: Noahide Bar Mitzvah

Q: We are Noahides, our son is about to turn 13 and I would like to know how to celebrate this milestone in a meaningful and correct way.

Read Rabbi Ginsburgh's response


913: The Secret Wisdom of Genesis by Rabbi Ginsburgh

This volume focuses on the Torah’s first verse, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (בראשית ברא אלהים את השמים ואת הארץ). Of the hundreds of gematria findings related to these 7 words and 28 letters, a few dozen are explored in-depth in terms of both mathematics and the traditional Rabbinic scholarship they connect to and illuminate. You will be astounded by the mathematical richness that the Torah relates to and will surely appreciate the beautiful new world of Torah scholarship mathematics can open up.

For details and to purchase


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This newsletter is dedicated in loving memory of Alteh Necheh bat Idel and R' Elimelech ben Moshe. May it be an aliyat neshamah for them.



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