Yechezkel 37:15
This week’s haftorah is devoted to the Jewish nation’s future
unification. it opens with Hashem instructing the Prophet Yechezkel to
take two pieces of wood and inscribe them with names of the Jewish
kingdoms, Yehuda and Yosef. Hashem then said, “Bring them near one
another to appear as one and they shall unite in your hands.” Radak
interprets this to mean that Yechezkel should hold the pieces alongside
each other and they will miraculously unite into one solid piece of
wood. He explains that this refers to the future miraculous unification
of the Jewish kingdom. The individual pieces of wood represent the
individual kingdoms of Israel. Although Hashem unconditionally granted
Dovid Hamelech’s dynasty the kingdom of Israel this did not preclude
fragmentation. In fact, soon after Shlomo Hamelech’s passing the kingdom
suffered a severe split. Yeravam ben Nvat, a descendent of the tribe of
Yosef led a powerful rebellion against the Judean dynasty and gained
control over most of the Jewish nation. The split was so intense that
the seceding camp of Yosef totally severed ties with its brothers never
to return to them. Yechezkel prophesied that these kingdoms will
eventually reunite and form one inseparable unit. The unification will
be so perfect that it will leave no trace of any previous dissension.
The entire nation’s sense of kinship will be so pronounced that it will
be likened to one solid piece of wood, void of all factions and
Yechezkel continues and states in Hashem’s name, “And I will purify
them and they shall be a nation to Me and I will be G-d to them…My
Divine Presence will rest upon them … forever.” (37:23,28) These verses
predict the final phase of unity- Hashem’s unification with His people.
In the Messianic era all aspects of unity will be achieved. The entire
Jewish nation will become one inseparable entity and Hashem will reunite
with His people. This unification will resemble that of the Jewish
people, an everlasting and inseparable one.
It is important to note the order of this unity. The first phase will
be our nation’s unification and after this is achieved Hashem will
return to His people. Sefer Charedim sensitizes us to the order of this
development. He reflects upon Hashem’s distinct quality of oneness and
explains that it can only be appreciated and revealed through His
people’s harmonious interaction. Hashem’s favor and kindness emanates
from His perfect oneness and reveals this quality in full. When the
Jewish people function as a harmonious body they deserve Hashem’s favor
and kindness. They project and reflect Hashem’s goodness and express His
oneness and bring true glory to His name . However, if the Jewish
people are fragmented and divided they display- Heaven forbid- division
in Hashem’s interactive system. Their divisive behavior gives the
impression that Hashem’s influence is disjointed and fragmented and not
achieving its ultimate purpose. At that point Hashem removes His
presence from His people and disassociates Himself from their
inappropriate ways. The Jewish people’s lack of success and
accomplishment is then attributed to Hashem’s unwillingness to remain
involved in their lives.
We now understand that the Jewish people’s unity is a prerequisite to
Hashem’s return to His people. Sefer Charedim explains with this the
introductory words of the Shabbos afternoon Amida service. We state
therein, “You are one, Your identity is one and who can is likened to
Your people Israel one nation in the land.” He interprets these words to
refer to the glorious Messianic era. During that period Hashem’s
oneness will be recognized through His harmonious interactive system
reflected in the oneness of His people. Their perfect unity will provide
the perfect setting for Hashem’s revelation to the world. During that
time Hashem’s master plan will be expressed through the perfect
interaction of His people. Every detail of Hashem’s kindness will serve
its intended purpose and reveal His absolute oneness and control over
every aspect of this world. Undoubtedly, this will require the Jewish
people’s total cooperation and perfect harmonious interaction with one
another. Indeed, it can be said that when Hashem’s people unite as an
inseparable entity His identity and perfect quality of oneness will be
recognized throughout the world. (adapted from Sefer Charedim chap. 7)
In truth, the foundation for this unity was laid in this week’s
sedra. Yosef developed an ingenious scheme to silence all his brothers’
suspicions and convince them of their grave misjudgement of his actions.
He successfully removed their deep seeded jealousy and hatred and
brought about a sincere unification to the household of Yaakov. Yosef
and Yehuda, the two powers to be, embraced one another and displayed a
true sense of kinship. Unfortunately, irrevocable damage already
occurred that would ultimately yield a severe split in the Jewish
kingdom. Yosef’s descendant, Yeravam would eventually severe relations
with Yehuda’s descendant Rechavam and establish his own leadership. (see
Gur Aryeh to Breishis 48:7) However, groundwork was already established
to reunite these kingdoms and return the Jewish nation to its original
perfect unity.
This week’s sedra records the immediate result of the unity of the
household of Yaakov. After Yaakov Avinu discovered Yosef’s existence and
salvation the Torah states, “And their father, Yaakov’s spirit was
restored to life.” (Breishis 45:27) Rashi quotes the Sages who explain
these words to refer to the return of Hashem’s Divine Spirit to Yaakov.
(ad loc) Yosef’s absence from Yaakov’s household indirectly prevented
Hashem’s Divine Spirit from resting upon Yaakov. Now, after twenty-two
dark years Yaakov Avinu’s household was reunited and Hashem returned His
Divine Presence to Yaakov. This development is indicative of the Jewish
people’s future experience. The ten lost tribes representing the
kingdom of Yoseif will be divided from the Judean kingdom for over two
thousand years. This will result in Hashem’s removing His Divine
Presence from amidst His people and throughout their long dark exile
they will have no direct contact with Him. However, the time will
eventually arrive for the Jewish people to reunite and become one
inseparable entity. This miraculous unity will immediately lead to a
second unity, that of Hashem and His people. In response to their total
unification Hashem will return His Divine Presence and rest amongst His
people us and “The spirit of Israel will be restored to life”.
This lesson is apropos for our times where so much potential
diversity exists. We pray to Hashem that we merit total unification
thereby yielding Hashem’s return to us resting His Divine Presence
amongst us.
Text Copyright © 2001 Rabbi Dovid Siegel and Project Genesis, Inc.
The author is Rosh Kollel of Kollel Toras Chaim of Kiryat Sefer, Israel.
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