ChaBaD Wednesday, 25 Tevet, 5783 January 18, 2023
ChaBaD Wednesday, 25 Tevet, 5783 January 18, 2023
Jewish History Chovot
Halevavot published (1559) Chovot Halevavot, the classical work on Jewish ethics,
was authored by Rabbi Bachya ben Yosef ibn Paquda (the first "Rabbeinu
Bechayei") on or before 1161, and translated into Hebrew from the
original Arabic by the famed translator R.
Judah ibn Tibbon in 1167. It was first published on the 25th of Tevet of the
year 5319 from creation (1559). Chumash Parshat Va'eira, 4th Portion (Exodus 7:8-8:6) Psalms Tanya Likutei Amarim, beginning of Chapter 16 Rambam 3 Chapters, 1 Chapter, Sefer Hamitzvot Hayom Yom Daily Thought Unsecret Wisdom The holy Zohar tells
of a time when we will all study its secret wisdom and truly digest its
meaning. It will nurture us and give us life. The final liberation will then
come with gentle compassion rather than with harsh judgment. Now the wisdom is no
longer secret. The Baal Shem Tov, the Great Magid, the Alter Rebbe, and
others have made it accessible and meaningful to all. Learn it, teach it,
live from it. You will bring divine compassion and spiritual freedom to the
world. |
Halachic Times (Zmanim) Times for Jerusalem, Israel 5:18 AM Dawn (Alot
Hashachar): 5:52 AM Earliest Tallit and
Tefillin (Misheyakir): 6:39 AM Sunrise (Hanetz
Hachamah): 9:12 AM Latest Shema: 10:04 AM Latest Shacharit: 11:49 AM Midday (Chatzot
Hayom): 12:16 PM Earliest Mincha
(Mincha Gedolah): 2:54 PM Mincha Ketanah
(“Small Mincha”): 3:59 PM Plag Hamincha (“Half
of Mincha”): 5:00 PM Sunset (Shkiah): 5:27 PM Nightfall (Tzeit
Hakochavim): 11:49 PM Midnight (Chatzot
HaLailah): 52:24 min. Shaah Zmanit
(proportional hour): |
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