KabbalaOnLine Magazine Vol.19 no.14

 KabbalaOnLine Magazine Vol.19 no.14

Kabbalah Online

from the print version of
KabbalaOnline.org Magazine

KabbalaOnline.org Magazine

A project of Ascent-of-Safed

Vol. 19, No.14
15 - 21 Tevet, 5783 / Jan. 8 - 14, 2023

Week of Shemot 5783


This week we study the first of the eleven readings in the Book of Exodus.
Among its themes are: the significance of different names of G-d;
the essence of Kabbalah;
the importance of Jewish names; the ultimate Messiah; the greatness of Jewish women [Yocheved, Miriam, Elisheva, Tzipora];
Most of the seven articles below touch on these themes.
Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon (Rambam, Maimonides — see lead article,) and the great Moroccan Jewish Kabbalist, Rabbi Yaakov Abuhatzeira (see 2nd article), both have yahrzeits this Thursday night - Friday.


1) Jewish Meditation

Becoming a Prophet

By Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon ("Maimonides"); adapted by Eliyahu Touger

"Prophecy is bestowed only upon a very wise sage of a strong character, is physically sound, and who is never overcome by his natural inclinations in any regard.He must also possess a broad and correct perspective. A person who is full of all these qualities and is fit for prophecy."

[continue in the article on KabbalaOnline]




2) What is Kabbalah?

  Mysteries and Truth


Words of the kabbalistic mysteries of the Torah are celestial matters that teach us secrets about the aspects of the Essence of G-d which He bestowed in the upper worlds

[continue in the article on KabbalaOnline]




3) FAQ's

  FAQ: Hebrew Language and Names

Q: "I have always been interested in the Torah and the Kabbalah. But I do not speak or read Hebrew. Can you help me?" Q: "Is it possible to receive the correspondences for all 22 letters to the tarot cards?

[continue in the article on KabbalaOnline]


4)  Weekly Torah Reading

  Exodus: Birth of the Soul

Egypt is likened to a womb from which the collective Jewish Soul emerged on its path to maturity.

[continue in the article on KabbalaOnline]



5) Weekly Torah Reading

   Saddling Up Mashiach's Donkey

     From the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe; adapted by Moshe Yaakov Wisnefsky

G d had Moses ride the donkey that the Mashiach will ride, indicating that Moses should regard the redemption from Egypt not as a failed attempt to reach the ultimate redemption but as a necessary phase in it.


[continue in the article on KabbalaOnline]


6) Weekly Torah Reading

  To Speak in His Name

By Nachman Kahana

How amazing that the past, present and future can be encapsulated in a mere two words!

[continue in the article on KabbalaOnline]


7) Mystical Story

  Popular Names

Yerachmiel Tilles


The Baal Shem Tov always showered him with blessings-for wealth, for long life, for health, for happiness--but never for what he so dearly hoped to hear

[continue in the article on KabbalaOnline]




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 Kabbalah Online Magazine - A project of Ascent-of-Safed


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