KabbalaOnLine Magazine Vol.19 no.16

 KabbalaOnLine Magazine Vol.19 no.16

Kabbalah Online

from the print version of
KabbalaOnline.org Magazine

KabbalaOnline.org Magazine

A project of Ascent-of-Safed

Vol. 19, No.16
29 Tevet - 6 Shevat, 5783 / Jan. 22 - 28, 2023

Week of Bo 5783


This week (Sunday night-Monday) begins with Rosh Chodesh, the celebration of the new moon of the Jewish lunar month;
Two mystical insights into the particular Jewish month we are starting now, called "Shevat," are featured in articles #2-3.
Articles 4-7 are for the weekly Torah reading.


In fond memory of Rabbi Moshe Miller, a major contributing writer for KabbalaOnline.org (see article #3 for an example),
who passed away on the 8th day of Chanukah , on the occasion of Sheloshim (end of 30-days mourning period for spouse, parents and siblings; children continue for the entire year), on Tuesday of this week.
[Next week, there will be an entire article in his honor, iy"H]


1) Self-Improvement

Environmental Influences

    From the writings & talks of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak of Lubavitch

We are comprised of both the essential advantages of the supernal creatures and the baseness of the lower earthly creatures.....[Therefore] some of our actions stem from the body, and others from the soul.

[continue in the article on KabbalaOnline]




2) Divine Names

  Shevat: Holy Exchanges


Why is G-d's Name alluded to in a phrase which corresponds to the Hebrew month of Shevat that describes a forbidden act?

[continue in the article on KabbalaOnline]





3) Creation

  Forming Time and Space

Kabbalah views time and space as created conditions and not as intrinsic qualities. Until the descent of the Divine light into the world, it is not yet subject to the physical limitations of space

[continue in the article on KabbalaOnline]


4)  Weekly Torah Reading

  Great Crocodile of the Nile

G-d took Moses to rooms within rooms, through different levels of "external" forces, until they reached a supernal mighty Crocodile, from which devolve many different levels of impurity. [Zohar]

[continue in the article on KabbalaOnline]



5) Weekly Torah Reading

   A Connection Deeper Than Natural

     From the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe; adapted by Moshe Yaakov Wisnefsky

In the future redemption, even Jews who won't want to be redeemed will be taken out of exile.


[continue in the article on KabbalaOnline]


6) Weekly Torah Reading

  Why was Pharaoh Punished?

By Berel Bell

With the creation of the universe, sparks of holiness were spread throughout the world. This process is alluded to in the second verse of the account of Creation.

[continue in the article on KabbalaOnline]


7) Mystical Story

  Proceeding Together

Yerachmiel Tilles


A certain chasid had extensive business interest in Warsaw, and spoke Polish fluently. One day his Rebbe called for him and asked him to approach a particular powerful minister. .

[continue in the article on KabbalaOnline]



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 Kabbalah Online Magazine - A project of Ascent-of-Safed


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