KabbalaOnline.org Bo 5783 The Holy Zohar Insights on the Torah Reading
KabbalaOnline.org Bo 5783 The Holy Zohar Insights on the Torah Reading
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May they be blessed with happy occasions in the best of health.
Please Note: The bold text is the direct
translation of the classic text source.
The regular text is the explanation of the editor/translator
Signs Inside and Out
Revealed actions on our part generate revealed responses from
the Creator.

The following section of the Zohar explains the commandments the Israelites were
given leading up to the final tenth plague, that of the death of the Egyptian
firstborn males. The Jewish men were told to circumcise themselves and to
sacrifice the Paschal lamb and smear some of the blood on their doorposts and
lintels above the door.
"G‑d will pass
through and strike Egypt. When He sees the blood over the door and on the two
doorposts, G‑d will pass over that entrance and He will not
permit the destructive forces to enter your homes to strike…"(Ex.
have learned that Rabbi Yose said: This verse presents a problem. Could it be
that only when He saw the blood would He skip over [that
home]? Are we to understand that a sign was necessary [for G‑d]?
Surely G‑d would know which one was an Israelite house and which was an Egyptian
house without the blood smeared on the doorposts!
if you answer that this was necessary in terms of the commandment of the blood,
then why [was the blood smeared] on the outside [rather than on
the inside of the house]?
Since the Israelites in their exile had already sunk to the
forty-ninth gate of spiritual impurity, (See Ohr Hachaim, Shemot 3:7)
there was very little difference between them and the Egyptians. Accordingly, G‑d
gave them two commandments, the blood of the Paschal lamb and the blood of
circumcision, (Shemot Rabba 17:3) as the verse states:
"I passed over you and saw you wallowing in your bloods, and I said to
you, 'In your blood you shall live'; and I said to you, 'In your blood you
shall live.'" (Ezekiel
16:6) Note that the word "blood" in this verse is in the
plural, alluding to the blood of the Paschal lamb and the blood of
circumcision, and therefore the verse continues, stating twice, "in
your blood you shall live". They saved their lives by
fulfilling these two commandments.
Whether the blood was smeared on the doorposts and the lintel on
the outside of the house or the inside of the house is a subject of
disagreement among the Sages of the Midrash.
(Mechilta, Bo 6) This may also be connected with the
disagreement whether the statement in the PesachHaggadah
should read: "A person is obligated to view himself as if he just
left Egypt" (Pesachim 116b) or
"A person is obligated to show himself as if he just left
Egypt". (Rambam, Yad Chametz u'Matzah 7:6)
According to the former opinion, the blood was on the inside ("view
himself"), but according to the latter opinion, it was on the outside
("show himself"). However, it seems that the Zohar here follows the view that the
blood was smeared on the outside of the entrances.
why [were they commanded to smear the blood] in three places of
the entrance?
"They shall take of the blood and place it on the two
doorposts and on the lintel of the houses…" (Ex.
12:7. See also 12:22, 23)
is written, "He reveals the deepest secrets [and
mysteries. He knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with Him]" (Daniel
2:22). What then is the reason that He wanted the blood to be
visible upon the lintel and the doorposts?
it is written: G‑d will see and be provoked [by their
transgressions]… (Deut.
32:19), and G‑d saw that the wickedness of man was great upon the
earth (Gen.
6:5) [and decided to erase man from the face of the earth. From
these verses] we learn that Divine Providence is not manifested Above until
a deed is done below. But once a deed is done, the [corresponding]
divine providence is aroused. Accordingly, everything, whether good or bad,
depends on action.
Since everything depends on the deeds of those below, had they
acted in secret, the divine intervention would have also been manifested in
hidden ways. Now we can understand why the blood had to be placed on the
outside of the houses according to this opinion in the Zohar: in order to
fulfill the commandment in an open and revealed manner, so that the divine
intervention would also be manifest in a revealed way.
[Translation and commentary by Moshe Miller from Zohar II:35b; based on R. Chaim Vital and Matok
the teachings of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai; translation & commentary by Moshe
Rabbi Shimon bar
Yochai, also know by the acronym "Rashbi," lived in the Holy Land in
the 2nd century C.E. A disciple of Rabbi Akiva, Rashbi played a key role in the
transmission of Torah, both as an important Talmudic sage and as author of the
Zohar, the most fundamental work of Kabbalah. He was buried in Meron, Israel,
west of Safed.
Moshe Miller (1955-2022) was born in South Africa and
received his yeshivah education in Israel and America. He was a prolific
author and translator, with some twenty books to his name on a wide variety of
topics, including an authoritative, annotated translation of the Zohar. He
developed a
The Zohar is a basic work of Kabbalah
authored by Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai and his students (2nd century CE). English
translation of annotated selections by Rabbi Moshe Miller (Morristown, N.J.:
Fiftieth Gate Publications, 2000) includes a detailed introduction covering the
history and basic concepts of Kabbalah. Volume 1 (36 pp.) covers the first half
of the first of the original’s three volumes.
from Rabbi Shimon bar
Yochai | RSS
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