The Israeli Police unlawfully detained Arnon Segal, a journalist and a Beyadenu guide.


🚨 The Israeli Police unlawfully detained Arnon Segal, a journalist and a Beyadenu guide. 😱

🇮🇱 Over the last year, our guides guided thousands of Jews on the Temple Mount and assisted in breaking the record for the number of ascenders in one year: 51,404 Jews!!!!!

👮 Unfortunately, there are those who don't view this record-breaking achievement kindly and in the last six months, the police have been trying to end the Beyadenu guiding project by way of arrests, bans, and confiscation of guiding materials! We must stop this madness immediately! ‼ 

💳 The time has come to donate and strengthen the Beyadenu guiding project and the Gershon Salomon Guiding Fund, especially now, with a one-time donation or standing order donation:

🇺🇸 With US Tax-Deductible donations:

🇮🇱 With Israeli Tax-Deductible Donations:

💡 Read the full story in Hebrew here 👉

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