Jewish Calendar Tuesday, 16 Shevat, 5783 February 7, 2023

 Jewish Calendar Tuesday, 16 Shevat, 5783 February 7, 2023

Jewish History

Rabbi Chaim Mordechai Margolis first served as rabbi in Brestitzki, Poland, and later in Dubno, Poland/Ukraine. He is the author of a digest of halachic responsa written after the publication of the Code of Jewish Law, known as “Shaarei Teshuvah.” This work can be found in the margins of most prints of the Code of Jewish Law.

Daily Thought

Don’t be afraid of the other person because he is different from you. There is far more in common between any two human beings than there are differences.

As for those differences, think of them as the hooks that hold us together, the reasons for needing one another.

Indeed, differences are the thing we all have most in common.

The Rebbe was talking to children and discussing relationships between Jews and non-Jews.

Halachic Times (Zmanim)
Times for Jerusalem, Israel
5:10 AM
Dawn (Alot Hashachar):
5:43 AM
Earliest Tallit and Tefillin (Misheyakir):
6:28 AM
Sunrise (Hanetz Hachamah):
9:09 AM
Latest Shema:
10:03 AM
Latest Shacharit:
11:53 AM
Midday (Chatzot Hayom):
12:21 PM
Earliest Mincha (Mincha Gedolah):
3:06 PM
Mincha Ketanah (“Small Mincha”):
4:14 PM
Plag Hamincha (“Half of Mincha”):
5:19 PM
Sunset (Shkiah):
5:44 PM
Nightfall (Tzeit Hakochavim):
11:53 PM
Midnight (Chatzot HaLailah):
54:47 min.
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