KabbalaOnLine.org Magazine Vol.19, no.18

 KabbalaOnLine.org Magazine Vol.19, no.18

Kabbalah Online

from the print version of
KabbalaOnline.org Magazine

KabbalaOnline.org Magazine

A project of Ascent-of-Safed

Vol. 19, No.18
14 Shevat - 20 Shevat, 5783 / Feb. 5 - Feb.11, 2023

Week of Yitro 5783



Welcome to our special Tu B'Shvat edition
Sunday night - Monday of this week is TU (15th) B'SHEVAT (the annual "Festival of Fruit Trees in Israel");
the first three articles and the story (#7) examine the significance of the day and its customs, from three different perspectives in Kabbalah.
The next three are for the Weekly Reading which contains the first appearance of the Ten Commandments.


1) Tu b'Shevat

A Tu b'Shevat Custom for Families

    A Delightful Family Custom

On the night of the 15th of Shvat, each member of the family should say the blessing over a specifically-designated fruit.

[continue in the article on KabbalaOnline]




2) Tu b'Shevat

  The Tree That Tastes Like Its Fruit - Part 2


Trees, like man, can be 'givers' or 'receivers' -- or both

[continue in the article on KabbalaOnline]




3) Tuv Ha'artz

  The Rains of Israel

Vegetables, due to their humility," do not require "male" waters to grow, for they can thrive with just "female" waters. Whereas fruit trees, which are tall, i.e. arrogant, will not produce fruits unless they receive specifically "male" waters.

[continue in the article on KabbalaOnline]


4)  Weekly Torah Reading

  The Guiding Hands of Torah

The ten sefirot parallel the ten fingers, five on each hand, with a covenant forming the link between them in the center.

[continue in the article on KabbalaOnline]



5) Weekly Torah Reading

   Taking the Fifth

     From the teachings of

Honoring parents, the fifth of the Ten Commandments, is the "bridge" between the two tablets, since this commandment is part of both our relationship with G-d as well as our relationship with humanity.


[continue in the article on KabbalaOnline]


6) Weekly Torah Reading

  Shabbat: Gateway to Delight

From the teachings of Rafael Moshe Luria; translated by Simcha H. Benyosef

The fine distinction between enjoying ourselves through the physical pleasures of Shabbat versus delighting in the spiritual joy we may attain this day calls for a redefinition of the terms "joy" and "delight".

[continue in the article on KabbalaOnline]


7) Mystical Story

  The Emperor, the Elder and the Fig Tree


While Adriyonus Caesar was going to war with his soldiers to fight against Jewish rebels. he came upon an old man who was planting fig trees.

[continue in the article on KabbalaOnline]



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