ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Thursday, March 30, 2023 8 Nissan, 5783

 ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Thursday, March 30, 2023 8 Nissan, 5783

Jewish History

The grand 180-day feast hosted by King Achashverosh came to an end on this day.

Achasverosh miscalculated the start date of Jeremiah's prophecy which promised the rebuilding of the Holy Temple after 70 years of Babylonian exile. When, according to his calculations, the seventy years had passed and the Jews were not redeemed, he orchestrated this grand party to celebrate the "demise" of the Chosen Nation. During the course of the party he brazenly displayed many of the vessels looted from the Holy Temple by the Babylonian armies.

Esther 1 (For a vivid description of the feast.)
The Royal Feast

The Jewish community of York, England, consisting of 150 souls, was massacred by a bloodthirsty mob. Among the martyrs was the Talmudic scholar R. Yom Tov of Joigny.

Link: Why Do They Want to Kill Us?

Laws and Customs

In today's "Nasi" reading (see "Nasi of the Day" in Nissan 1), we read of the gift bought by the nasi of the tribe of Menasseh, Gamliel ben Pedahtzur, for the inauguration of the Mishkan.

Text of today's Nasi in Hebrew and English.

Daily Thought

Any other time of the year, it’s just a cracker. Eat it on the night of Passover, and it nourishes your soul.

Because, in truth, all food feeds not only the body, but the soul as well.

That’s because, like everything else, food is a divine creation. It is sustained by a constant flow of energy from its Maker. When we consume food, we metabolize that divine energy and live from it.

The kind of food-energy we consume and the way we consume it has a lot to do with kind of person we become and the kind of life we end up living.

If we eat foods sustained by energy hopelessly distorted, corrupted, and disconnected from its origin, they pull us down with them and it becomes harder for us to keep in touch with our own soul. These are the foods that are not kosher.

But then, even the energy of kosher food needs to be reconnected to its origin. And we do that by investing whatever energy we’ve gained from this food into G‑dly deeds--a.k.a. mitzvahs.

Matzah on Passover is the exception. On the night of Passover, it’s not just a mitzvah to eat matzah; the matzah itself is a mitzvah. It’s already intimately connected with its source.

So that, rather than us having to reconnect this food, it reconnects us, nourishing both body and soul with divine light, carrying us to heights we could otherwise never achieve.

And so, writes Rabbi Shmuel of Lubavitch, matzah on Passover--especially on the first night--not only nourishes your divine soul, it softens up the animal instinct within you. Your inner beast becomes open to knowing something greater than itself.

At the very least, he writes, it allows your divine soul some respite.

As it turns out, matzah on Passover is not just food for the soul, it’s potent medicine for the human animal.

Rabbi Shmuel of Lubavitch, “the Maharash,” Hemshech 5637, chapter 60, cited frequently by the Rebbe.

Halachic Times (Zmanim)
Times for Jerusalem, Israel
5:14 AM
Dawn (Alot Hashachar):
5:47 AM
Earliest Tallit and Tefillin (Misheyakir):
6:31 AM
Sunrise (Hanetz Hachamah):
9:35 AM
Latest Shema:
10:38 AM
Latest Shacharit:
12:43 PM
Midday (Chatzot Hayom):
1:16 PM
Earliest Mincha (Mincha Gedolah):
4:24 PM
Mincha Ketanah (“Small Mincha”):
5:43 PM
Plag Hamincha (“Half of Mincha”):
6:57 PM
Sunset (Shkiah):
7:22 PM
Nightfall (Tzeit Hakochavim):
12:43 AM
Midnight (Chatzot HaLailah):
62:46 min.
Shaah Zmanit (proportional hour):

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Please Mr. Netanyahu, Mr. Ben Gvir and Mr. Smotrich unite and bring Hashem’s Righteousness back to the Har HaBayit, start by opening the Har HaBayit for Jews on Pesach?

Under HaShem’s Righteousness the Har HaBayit shall become a Prayer House for all peoples. Jews, Muslims, and Christians when they put away Avoda Zara and their false doctrines……


בבקשה מר נתניהו, מר בן גביר ומר סמוטריץ' מתאחדים ומחזירים את היושרה להר הבית, התחילו בפתיחת הר הבית ליהודים בפסח?


תחת צדקת השם הר הבית יהפוך לבית תפילה לכל העמים, יהודים, מוסלמים ונוצרים כשהם מסירים עבודה זרה  ואת דוקטרינות השקר שלהם...

Come let us Pray that Hashem's Righteousness shall 'return' to the Har haBayit and the whole of Eretz Israel.

בוא נתפלל שצדקת ה' 'תשוב' להר הבית ולארץ ישראל כולה.

Free to study all Jewish Scripture:

חופשי ללמוד את כל כתבי הקודש היהודיים:

Sefaria Calendar - לוח שנה ספריה

Our Prayer and hope: All the gates to the Har haBayit have to be opened for Jews and non-Jews seven days in the week 24 hours a day. The Jews need to have the freedom to go with Tefillin, Tallit and Torah Scroll up on the Mountain to serve Hashem. And do 
קידה ('Kidah' prostate, laying down, before Hashem) Everyone showing his/her respect for the Jewish and all other religions. But NOT for the words/deeds/sins spoken against any word of the Torah of Moshe Rabbeinu and the 'real' teachings of the Jewish Rabbis. The Jews must be the guardians of the Har haBayit.

תפילתנו ותקוותנו: כל שערי הר הבית צריכים להיפתח עבור יהודים ולא-יהודים שבעה ימים בשבוע 24 שעות ביממה. ליהודים צריך להיות חופש ללכת עם תפילין, טלית וספר תורה במעלה ההר כדי לשרת את ה' ולקוד קידה .מתוך הפגנת כבוד ליהודים ולכל הדתות האחרות, אבל לא למילים/למעשים/לחטאים הנאמרים נגד תורת משה רבנו. מלמודי רבנים, היהודים חייבים להיות שומרי הר הבית

Let's pray for a death sentence for the Palestinian Authority, Hamas, Hezbollah and for the continuation of the Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria. The Palestinian Authority, Hamas and Hezbollah must disappear. Enough of the hatred from the world (the USA, the European Union, and the UN!) against the Jewish people.


בואו נתפלל לגזר דין מוות לרשות הפלסטינית, חמאס, חיזבאללה ולמען התיישבות יהודית ביהודה ושומרון. הרשות הפלסטינית, חמאס וחיזבאללה חייבים להעלם. די לשנאה מהעולם (ארה"ב, האיחוד האירופי והאו"ם!) נגד העם היהודי

The Jews have the mission to change the Har HaBayit, from her situation now, into a Prayer House for all peoples based on the Torah Law of Moshe Rabbeinu.


על היהודים מוטלת המשימה לשנות את הר הבית, ממצבו הקיים, לבית תפילה לכל העמים על פי חוק התורה של משה רבנו


Ariel, hopefully your Representee

אריאל, מקווה שהנציג שלך



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Har HaBait Jewish Sovereign for all Israel

I pray as a Jew when I bring your prayers.

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This Haggadah
was created
with you in mind.


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