ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Tuesday, March 21, 2023 28 Adar, 5783

 ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Tuesday, March 21, 2023 28 Adar, 5783

Jewish History

In Talmudic times, Adar 28 used to be celebrated to commemorate the rescinding of a Roman decree against ritual circumcision, Torah study and keeping the Shabbat. The decree was revoked through the efforts of Rabbi Yehudah ben Shamua and his fellow rabbis. (Megillat Taanit, Rosh Hashanah 19a)

Ahmed Pasha was the governor of Egypt under Selim II "The Magnificent," the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. Ahmed plotted to cede from the Ottoman Empire and declare himself Sultan of Egypt. He requested of his Jewish minter Abraham de Castro to mint new Egyptian currency stamped with his image. Instead, De Castro went to Constantinople, and informed Selim II of Ahmed’s plot.

Ahmed decided to exact revenge against Cairo's Jewish community. He imprisoned many of their leaders, and threatened to execute them unless he was paid an outrageously large ransom.

The Jews of Cairo fasted and prayed to G-d. A large sum of money was collected but it did not approach the amount of money Ahmed demanded. Before the planned executions, Ahmed visited his bathhouse. As he was leaving the bathhouse he was attacked and severely wounded by a group of his own advisors and governors. Ahmed escaped but was later captured and beheaded.

From then on, the Jews of Cairo observed the 28th of Adar as a day of celebration. A special megillah (scroll) written to commemorate the miracle was read in Cairo every year on this day.

Daily Thought

We all have a beast inside. The point is not simply to muzzle that animal, but to harness its power.

The first step is to determine what sort of an animal this is. Then you will know what can be done with it.

A sheep, for example, doesn’t care to hurt anyone. An ox, on the other hand, can kick and gore.

But did you ever see a sheep plow a field?

Halachic Times (Zmanim)
Times for Jerusalem, Israel
4:26 AM
Dawn (Alot Hashachar):
4:59 AM
Earliest Tallit and Tefillin (Misheyakir):
5:42 AM
Sunrise (Hanetz Hachamah):
8:42 AM
Latest Shema:
9:44 AM
Latest Shacharit:
11:46 AM
Midday (Chatzot Hayom):
12:18 PM
Earliest Mincha (Mincha Gedolah):
3:22 PM
Mincha Ketanah (“Small Mincha”):
4:38 PM
Plag Hamincha (“Half of Mincha”):
5:51 PM
Sunset (Shkiah):
6:16 PM
Nightfall (Tzeit Hakochavim):
11:46 PM
Midnight (Chatzot HaLailah):
61:18 min.
Shaah Zmanit (proportional hour):

Free to study all Jewish Scripture:

Our Prayer and hope: All the gates to the Har ha-Bait have to be opened for Jews and non-Jews seven days in the week 24 hours a day. The Jews need to have the freedom to go with Tefillin, Tallit and Torah Scroll up on the Mountain to serve Hashem. And do קידה ('Kidah' prostate, laying down, before Hashem) Everyone showing his/her respect for the Jewish and all other religions. But NOT for the words/deeds/sins spoken against any word of the Torah of Moshe Rabbeinu and the 'real' teachings of the Jewish Rabbis. The Jews must be the guardians of the Har ha-Bait.

תפילתנו ותקוותנו: כל שערי הר הבית צריכים להיפתח עבור יהודים ולא-יהודים שבעה ימים בשבוע 24 שעות ביממה. ליהודים צריך להיות חופש ללכת עם תפילין, טלית וספר תורה במעלה ההר כדי לשרת את ה' ולקוד קידה .מתוך הפגנת כבוד ליהודים ולכל הדתות האחרות, אבל לא למילים/למעשים/לחטאים הנאמרים נגד תורת משה רבנו. מלמודי רבנים, היהודים חייבים להיות שומרי הר הבית.

Let's pray for a death sentence for the Palestinian Authority, Hamas, Hezbollah and for the continuation of the Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria. The Palestinian Authority, Hamas and Hezbollah must disappear. Enough of the hatred from the world (the USA, the European Union, and the UN!) against the Jewish people.


בואו נתפלל לגזר דין מוות לרשות הפלסטינית, חמאס, חיזבאללה ולהתיישבות יהודית ביהודה ושומרון. הרשות הפלסטינית, חמאס וחיזבאללה חייבים להעלם. די לשנאה מהעולם (ארה"ב, האיחוד האירופי והאו"ם!) נגד העם היהודי!

The Jews have the mission to change the Har HaBait, from her situation now, into a Prayer House for all peoples based on the Torah Law of Moshe Rabbeinu.


על היהודים מוטלת המשימה לשנות את הר הבית, ממצבו הקיים, לבית תפילה לכל העמים על פי חוק התורה של משה רבנו.


Ariel, hopefully your Representee

אריאל, מקווה שהנציג שלך

Click: If you have Prayer Requests

I pray as a Jew when I bring your prayers.


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