KabbalaOnline.org Ki Tissa 5783 The Holy Ari Insights on the Torah Reading
KabbalaOnline.org Ki Tissa 5783 The Holy Ari Insights on the Torah Reading
Please Note: The bold text is the direct
translation of the classic text source.
The regular text is the explanation of the editor/translator
Fixing the Mixing
The Holy Ari

order to understand] the incident of the Golden Calf, we must understand what was the
intention of the Mixed Multitude in making this calf at this point.
the Sages note, it was the "Mixed Multitude"(Ex.
12:38) of non-Jews that accompanied the Jews in their exodus from Egypt
who instigated the idolatry of the Golden Calf.
have already informed you [in my comments] on the verse And there
arose a new king over Egypt(Ibid. 1:8), about
the idea of the Mixed Multitude, [in particular] how they were [derived]
from the impurities and pollution of [the soul of]Moses, whose soul was [derived]
from the daat
of Zeir Anpin
itself, [which is in turn derived] from the mentality of Abba.
soul was derived from daat, which means that he was an
expression of the idea of taking the intellectual idea and translating it into
personal relevance, producing emotional response and practical expression. The
fact that daat is informed by the mentality of Abba means that it
is the new, revolutionary, initial Divine insight that seeks to be made
relevant and change reality.
any initial insight appears in consciousness together with an admixture of
impurity, in the form of illusions and deceptions, which have to be clarified out
of the raw material of the insight via the process of bina. Moses' error was in not recognizing
these aberrations in the insight granted him for what they were, thinking that
they could be incorporated and elevated into the picture. In material reality,
this was expressed as his inclusion of the Mixed Multitude in the Exodus.
the Arizal
explains that the Mixed Multitude was indeed meant to be elevated eventually,
but Moses tried to do this prematurely. This is evidently a classic example of
the Baal Shem Tov's teaching that every process of
spiritual growth must proceed through the three stages of submission (of the
ego, in order to gain new insight), separation (of good and evil, in order to
refine and purify the insight), and sweetening (of the impure elements of the
insight with the power generated by the pure, refined insight). Moses was
trying to skip the middle stage of this process.
they still contained an admixture of sparks of holiness, and this is why Moses
exerted all his energy to gather the Mixed Multitude under the wings of the
Divine Presence, [that is, to convert them to Judaism].
find a similar [phenomenon] with Balaam, about whom our Sages said, "[When
the Torah
says:]'And there arose no prophet in Israel like Moses,'(Deut.
34:10)[it implies that] no [such prophet] arose in
Israel, but among the [other] nations of the world one did arise,
namely Balaam."(Bamidbar Rabba
was thus somehow a fallen version of Moses.
have also informed you [in my comments] on the verse: And Rachel stole her
father's terafim(Gen.
31:19) that Laban the Aramean was reincarnated as Balaam son of
Be'or, for Be'or was Laban's son and Balaam's father. This whole family was [derived]
from the one common source we have mentioned; they were all impurities from the
soul of Moses. This includes Laban, Be'or, Balaam, and [Balaam's] two
sons Yunus and Yumbruce that are mentioned in the Zohar. (II:191a)
Therefore, they were all great magicians and sorcerers, without equal anywhere
in the world.
Moses embodied the power to take divine insight and make it relevant, we may
assume that magic is a perversion of this power. Magic is the combining of
disparate forces in nature that appear at first unconnected and unrelated and
harnessing them to produce results. This is possible only if the one attempting
to manipulate these powers possesses some inkling of the fact that everything
is indeed related somehow, and can therefore be connected.
idea that everything is connected is derived, in its source, from the divine
insight that G‑d
created everything and sustains everything, and thus everything in the world is
an expression of His power and is meant to express His presence. So the
perversion of magic simply takes the insight of unity and ignores the divine
essence of this unity.
these souls, who were derived from the admixture of impurity in Moses' soul,
possessed something of his insight into the unity of Creation, but either
ignored or could not "divine" the divinity underlying this unity.
They therefore possessed great magical powers.
I have already informed you in "The Gate of Reincarnations" (Introduction 22) as well as in [my
discussion of] the commandment of Grace after Meals, (Shaar
HaMitzvot) how souls transmigrate progressively through the four
kingdoms: mineral, vegetable, animal, and human. I told you there also that
there is a fixed time for [their incarnation into] each of these levels,
after which they ascend to the next level. Now, the time fixed for being
incarnated into the vegetable kingdom is the first four months of the year,
which are Nisan,
Iyar, Sivan, and Tamuz. After this,
the [reincarnated souls] ascend to be incarnated into animals.
Now, Be'or, the father of Balaam, was reincarnated into the
vegetable kingdom, but he was not able to proceed in his rectification by
ascending into the animal kingdom because of he was so polluted by evil. He was
undoubtedly the highest aspect of the impurities in this soul-root, so
therefore his grandsons Yunus and Yumbruce, who were the leaders of the Mixed
Multitude, as is known (Zohar, loc. cit.) as well
as the Mixed Multitude themselves, all wanted him to be rectified. For his
elevation would mean an elevation for them.
So they examined and understood through their magic that the
only way it would be possible for him to ascend from there would be if they
made the Israelites sin.
Through this, the forces of evil would be strengthened, and they would be able
to extricate the soul of their grandfather Be'or from the vegetable kingdom.
[the sin of the Israelites] would be added the fact that the
sin would occur through Aaron,
the High priest,
the holy one of G‑d.
evil generated by a sin is greater the holier the sinner, for the holier the
person, the more divine power he embodies.
Added to this would also be the fact that they possessed the
same golden plate inscribed with the words, "Ascend, O ox!"
Moses farewell blessing to the Jewish people, he describes Joseph as an "ox": "The most
eminent, his [is the power of the] ox that is given to him…."(Deut.
33:17) In Jacob's
blessing to Joseph, the same word for "ox" appears, although in a
different meaning, that of "wall": "A fruitful son is Joseph,
a fruitful son above the [evil] eye; daughters tread over the wall [to
gaze on him]." (Gen.
49:22) The words for "over the wall" in Hebrew are "alei
shur", which if slightly revocalized can be read: "Ascend, O
ox!" ["aleh" "shor"].
Sages tell us that when Joseph died, his coffin was placed in the Nile River.
When the Jews left Egypt many years later, Moses stood at the edge of the Nile
and cast into it a golden plate inscribed with the words "Ascend, O ox!",
and Joseph's coffin rose to the surface. In this way, Moses was able to fulfill
Joseph's wish to have his bones removed from Egypt and buried in the Land of
Israel. (Midrash
Tanchuma, Ki Tisa 19) Obviously, this golden plate possessed great
they devised to make the Golden Calf, which is also called an "ox",
with the powerful magic tools in their mouths, which upset the order of the
supernal realms. All the powers we mentioned combined together - that of the
evil [generated by the Jews' sin], that of the magic [powers
they possessed], that of the holiness of Aaron's, and that of the holy Name
etched in the golden plate that was used to elevate Joseph from the Nile. This
combination produced the Golden Calf, which was animated by the spiritual
life-force of their grandfather Be'or. [Be'or] thus ascended from the
vegetable to the animal kingdom, and [the Mixed Multitude] accepted him
as their leader, who would inform them of the future and tell them whatever
they would need to know. And all this was possible by the fact that they made
the Israelites sin, as we mentioned.
The soul of the wicked Be'or, which was present in this calf,
was who yelled out, saying "This is your G‑d, Israel!" (Ex.
32:4)as our Sages have stated. (See
Pirkei d'Rabbi
Eliezer 25)
is also the inner meaning of our Sages' statement (Pesikta
Zutarti, Shemot 32:4) that they fed the Golden Calf grass, as it is
written, "[They made a calf at Horeb, and bowed down to a molten image;
they made their glory bitter] in the form of an ox eating grass."(Psalms 106)
explain: since [Be'or] was incarnated in the vegetable kingdom as grass, [the
Golden Calf] ate [this grass] in order to extricate [Be'or's] soul
that was incarnated there. By eating [this grass], the limbs of the Calf
became animated one by one, and [Be'or's soul] thus ascended from the
vegetable to the animal kingdom.
They accomplished all this through the power of their magic.
this is why they made the Golden Calf in the month of Tamuz, for that is the last month of the time
of reincarnation ascending from the vegetable kingdom into the level of
[Translated and adapted by Moshe-Yaakov Wisnefsky from Shaar
HaPesukim, Ki-Tisa; subsequently published in "Apples From the
the teachings of Rabbi Yitzchak Luria; translated and edited by Moshe Yaakov
Rabbi Yitzchak Luria
[…Ashkenazi ben Shlomo] (5294-5332 = 1534-1572 c.e.); Yahrtzeit (anniversary of
death): 5th of Av. Buried in the Old Cemetery of Tzfat. Commonly known as the Ari,
an acronym standing for Eloki Rabbi Yitzchak, the G-dly Rabbi Isaac. No
other master or sage ever had this extra letter Aleph, standing for Eloki
[G-dly], prefaced to his name. This was a sign of what his contemporaries
thought of him. Later generations, fearful that this appellation might be misunderstood,
said that this Aleph stood for Ashkenazi, indicating that his family had
originated in Germany, as indeed it had. But the original meaning is the
correct one, and to this day among Kabbalists, Rabbi Yitzchak Luria is only
referred to as Rabbenu HaAri, HaAri HaKadosh [the holy Ari] or Arizal [the Ari
of blessed memory].
from Yitzchak Luria
Moshe Yaakov Wisnefsky
is a scholar, writer, editor and anthologist, living in Jerusalem. He has
recently produced two monumental works: "Apples from the Orchard: Arizal
on the Weekly Torah" and a Chumash translation with commentary based on
the works of the Lubavitcher Rebbe (Kehot).
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