- “A people in which a mother accompanies her Martyr son with sounds of joywill never be defeated”

the funeral of a Palestinian terrorist who was shot and killed when he
accelerated and rammed his car into an Israeli police car, a speaker
summed up in one sentence the underlying cause of the recent months’
rise in the number of Palestinian deaths. According to the speaker,
Palestinians are happy to die as Martyrs through attacks against Israel:
“We love death like our enemies love life.” He also praised Palestinian mothers for celebrating when their children die as “Martyrs”:    
Speaker at funeral: “This people will not be defeated. A people in which a mother accompanies her Martyr son with sounds of joywill never be defeated.
A people in which a child who is like a lofty mountain waits
impatiently to become a young man so that he will be able to take
revenge for his Martyr father will never be defeated. We love death like our enemies love life.” [Unidentified speaker, Official PA TV, March 8, 2023]
The desire to die as “Martyrs” for “Palestine” is a notion the PA instills in Palestinians from early childhood. Palestinian Media Watch
has documented that children are taught that it’s an honor to die
fighting Israel, youth are told they will become “grooms” who wed the
Virgins of Paradise. During the broadcast of a funeral while showing the dead body of a terrorist, official PA TV played this song in the background:   
“We accompanied the handsome groom in a wedding procession And the procession is going to Paradise... a groom who delights in Martyrdom.” [Official PA TV, Giants of Endurance, Dec. 8, 2022]
are expected to happily accompany their children to their “weddings,”
as this mother of a “Martyr,” echoing the PA’s indoctrination:    
Mother of terrorist Karam Salman: “Praise Allah, [Karam] asked
for Martyrdom and he received it. He is the most handsome groom in the
world, the most handsome groom in Paradise. The angels will accompany
him to his wedding... we will accompany him as a groom to his wedding in Paradise.” [Official PA TV News, Jan. 29, 2023]
love death like our enemies love life” is yet another slogan of the
PA’s Martyrdom trap, which PMW has summarized in this video compilation
showing how specifically how these messages are directed at and absorbed
by children: 
unidentified speaker in the first video above made this statement at
the funeral of terrorist Muhammad Awad Abu Kafya who was shot and killed
after ramming his car into a police car and wounding an Israeli police
officer in the Nablus area, on Sept. 24, 2022. A cartoon posted by Fatah in Lebanon stressed the same willingness to die: 
Headline: “We will die for Palestine” Word formed by blood: “Palestine” [Falestinona, website of Fatah’s Information and Culture Commission in Lebanon, March 20, 2023]
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