KabbalaOnline.org "The Good of the Land "Divine Sustenance"
KabbalaOnline.org "The Good of the Land "Divine Sustenance"
Divine Sustenance
Chapter 3, Part 2
By Rabbi Nathan Schapira; translation & commentary by David Slavin
Effect of Earthly Conduct (3:1)
It is befitting to mention to all those who delve into this wisdom, that we shouldn't think to take literally the passage of the Zohar (II 17a) discussing the concept of, "the maid servant who inherits [the place of] her matron." (Proverbs 30:23). For the sheer intense holiness of G‑d precludes that even in Inner Sanctum of the realm of Beriya, that neither Angel nor Seraph [i.e. a type of celestial being] nor any creature can enter therein. Therefore one could never entertain the concept of the maidservant actually taking the place of her matron.
Rather the true way to understand that passage is with the following introduction: The entire universe is run by supernal attributes, all of whom influence, and draw influence towards malchut. This is especially true when the tiferet unites with malchut. Subsequently malchut divides nourishment [to the physical realm] from that influence. She conducts and administrates the upper, lower, internal and external worlds. Hence, while the Jews are in their land, there is an aspect of malchut known as "One Ofan [lofty angel] was on the land" (Ezekiel 1:15), as was explained as the representation of malchut being in the land [Asiya] to administrate the lower worlds. It is from that aspect that the Jews receive all their divine influence.
Therefore when the Jews had trampled the Temple (see Isaiah 1:12) they were running after the power of the External Forces, who are led by their cursed mother [Lil--], to gain nourishment from her as her children. As is the mystery of the Calves of Succos. These calves represented the nations of the world. The amount of the calves decreased each day, representing that their powers will diminish. This was done during the holiday of Succos in which the world is judged for rain, as well as the determination of how much divine influences the ministering angels of each country will receive.
Yet our "mother" [the Shechinah], is not able to sustain us in exile, for the position of distributing the divine influence has been taken from her. In accordance to the state of the Shechina not directly transferring the influence, therefore the Zohar describes the situation as, "the maid servant who inherits [the place of] her matron." (Proverbs 30:23). Meaning that she [Lil--] can divert the majority of the influence to her own "children".
A parable to describe the situation is as follows. The son of the king, while living in the king's palace, his nourishment and sustenance were provided by his mother.
His mother provided him with all befitting necessities. Yet when the son became exceedingly rebellious the king banished him from the palace. To be with her son, his mother went to exile as well. Yet throughout the exile the king sent provisions to them through their hosts, the maidservant. Yet the maidservant channeled the best of the provisions for her own children, leaving the prince the leftovers. Yet the maidservant doesn't have the wisdom nor sense to realize that the king sent those provisions to her only because of his son that is there. In the son's perspective the maidservant is now the source of his sustenance. In this fashion the maidservant has taken the place of the matron. For she provides for the king's son, she carries his meals to him from the king. Yet, heaven forbid, should we think that she actually enters the chambers of the king. Rather the king has the food brought to one of his generals who then gives it to one of his servants who finally gives it to the maidservant. Nonetheless being that the influence originated from the king's palace and goes to the maidservant, there is no greater disgrace for the queen.
Effect of Earthly Conduct (3:1)
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