ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Thursday, 26 Sivan, 5783 June 15, 2023
ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Thursday, 26 Sivan, 5783 June 15, 2023
During the Chmielnitzki Massacres (see entry for 4 Sivan), a Cossack mob gathered around the fortified town of Olyka. Among the Jews who had found refuge inside was R. David Halevi (the Taz), a refugee from the nearby city of Ostroh. As the Cossacks prepared to breach the walls, the Jews gathered in prayer in the synagogue. Weak and tired, R. David drifted off to an uneasy sleep, and in his dream he envisioned the verse, “I will protect this city to save it, for My sake and for the sake of My servant David” (II Kings 19:34). Indeed, the old cannons atop the walls miraculously fired spontaneously toward the enemy, who proceeded to flee (Minhagei Beis Alik, p. 752).
Link: Jews in Eastern Europe
Humility is not feeling worthless or inferior.
It's when you stop thinking, “What will be with me?” and instead think, “What am I needed for?”
And now there is space for joy to enter. Because if G-d put you here, there must be someone or something that desperately needs you.
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