RabbiSmith.org Upcoming Learning

 RabbiSmith.org Upcoming Learning

By the Grace of G-d Al-mighty


upcoming LEARNING

Dear Ariel


Join us and learn live!


Rabbi Steif Mitzvos Hashem

SUNDAY 7 am Eastern (1 pm Germany time)

Rabbi Steif wrote this holy book to avert the Holocaust by making sure that both Jews and non-Jews should know clearly G-d Al-mighty's rules for non-Jews.

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Click here to dedicate this class in honor or memory of loved one


Zecharia 8:23 - Weekly Torah Portion, Prayer and Talmud

WEDNESDAY 8:00 pm Eastern

Learn the week's Torah Portion (parsha) as it is relevant to every man, Prayer for every man and portions of the Talmud that are relevant to non-Jews

live in Passaic, New Jersey, and on Zoom.

Zoom Link
Click here to dedicate this class in honor or memory of loved one


Emunah (Faith) in Action

THURSDAY 10 am Eastern

Only with tranquility of the soul can we hear G-d Al-Mighty's voice clearly, know what to do and have the strength to do it effectively

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Click here to dedicate this class in honor or memory of loved one


Gate of Oneness

Words on the Torah Portion

The Torah Experience - Life Fully Lived


Study the Gate of Oneness (Sha'ar HaYichud) by the Mittler Rebbe which teaches us how to think clearly.  Delivered by Rabbi Shimon Chyrek.  Rabbi Smith speaks on the weekly Torah portion at the end of the class. We have a new segment - The Torah Experience - Life Fully Lived. Join us!

Zoom Link

Click here to dedicate this class in honor or memory of loved one


Yeshiva Shem V'Ever

Shabbos Afternoon (Saturday afternoon) 4 pm Eastern

We will be learning Torah relevant to non-Jews with Jews and non-Jews.

Tanya: Sha'ar Hayichud v'HaEmunah - the Gate of Oneness and Faith 

In person ONLY in Passaic, New Jersey.


These above classes (other than Yeshiva Shem V'Ever on Shabbos) are recorded and later available in your content library.


I look forward to seeing you as we learn together.


Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith

Ariel your Representee, 

Representee of Ephraim and adviser (not a rabbi but friendly adviser) for Bet Yisrael international on the Har HaBayit and to all the Israeli people.

I am born in Holland and became on a later age a Ba’al Teshuva: 
Originally, the term referred to a Jew who transgressed the halacha (Jewish law) knowingly or unknowingly and completed a process of introspection to "return" to the full observance of Elohim's mitzvot. Read my story


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