Sefaria: Shulchan Arukh, Orach Chayim 422

 Sefaria: Shulchan Arukh, Orach Chayim 422

הקורא הלל למפרע לא יצא: (טעה יחזור למקום שטעה בו) (רבינו ירוחם):
The one who recites Hallel out of order, he did not fulfill [his obligation]. If he made a mistake, he should go back to the place he made a mistake (Rabbi Yerucham).
מצות קריאת הלל מעומד:
The mitzvah of reciting Hallel is [done] standing.

סדר קריאת התורה בר"ח ובו ד סעיפים:
אומר קדיש תתקבל וכו' ומוציאין ס"ת וקורים בו ד' אין פוחתין מהם ואין מוסיפין עליהם ואין מפטירין בנביא:
The order for reading the Torah on Rosh Ḥodesh, with four clauses: One says the full Kaddish etc, and we bring out the Torah scroll, and four read from it — no fewer than that and no more than that, and nobody does a concluding reading from the prophets.

Ariel your Representee, 

Representee of Ephraim and adviser (not a rabbi but friendly adviser) for Bet Yisrael international on the Har HaBayit and to all the Israeli people.

I am born in Holland and became on a later age a Ba’al Teshuva: 
Originally, the term referred to a Jew who transgressed the halacha (Jewish law) knowingly or unknowingly and completed a process of introspection to "return" to the full observance of Elohim's mitzvot. Read my story


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