ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Sunday, June 11, 2023 22 Sivan, 5783
ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Sunday, June 11, 2023 22 Sivan, 5783
Miriam, the elder sister of Moses and Aaron, was afflicted with tzaraat (leprosy) after speaking negatively of Moses, and was quarantined outside of the camp for seven days--as related in Numbers 12
The Biblical account (with Rashi's commentary)
About Miriam
About Lashon Hara (negative speech)
Many believe that truth is the domain of great minds, so that the greater your intellect, the closer you can come to the truth.
But truth is that which knows no bounds. If it is genuine truth, it is to be found everywhere equally.
The same truth that the profound philosopher grasps by intellectual extrapolation and abstraction is found in the simple world of the child, where truths are that which can be seen and touched.
Only that the child has two advantages: The child can see and touch the truth. And the child has truth in its pristine simplicity.
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