KabbalaOnline.org Korach 5783 The Holy Zohar Insights on the Torah Reading
KabbalaOnline.org Korach 5783 The Holy Zohar Insights on the Torah Reading
IMPORTANT: In Israel, we already read and studied the weekly Torah section called Shelach this past week. For those of you outside of Israel who want, here is the link to our Shelach articles.
Please Note: The bold text is the direct translation of the classic text.
The regular text is the explanation of the editor/translator
True Consolation
To comfort a mourner you should say words that will lead him to thank G-d for what he has.

Rabbi Yehuda opened his discourse with [a quote from where Elihu, the youngest of Job's friends, starts his words of comfort to the mourning Job by saying:] "Hear my words you wise men; listen to me you who have knowledge." (Job 34:2)
Come and see what is written: "And his [Elihu's] anger flared up against his three friends, because they had found no answer [to Job's complaints against G‑d], and yet condemned Job [because he continued misconstruing the tragic events which befell him and blamed G‑d]." (Job 32:3) They said words of comfort to Job, but these didn't ease his mourning. From here we learn that he who goes into a mourner's house to comfort a mourner should [beforehand] think out the words he will say [so that they should be fitting and appropriate to the mourner being comforted]. After all, Job's friends all said truthful [and wise] things, but they were not [wise enough to know how] to comfort him. The reason is because to comfort a mourner you have to say things that will make him give thanks [to G‑d] for that which he has.
This is not easy to do because a mourner feels agonized and tormented and is full of pain and suffering. As a result, one must strengthen his feeling of self-worth and praise his ability to accept pain and suffering with love.
By doing this, the mourner is encouraged to accept the harsh penalty with love, and give thanks to the Holy One.
If a mourner can be drawn to give thanks for his predicament, then he can come back to viewing reality as it is, orchestrated by a loving G‑d. Mourning is a form of punishment. By accepting the suffering as justified, the mourner himself becomes justified and rectified and is vindicated from the judgment hanging over him. This is the concept of "measure for measure". As you behave to others, including G‑d, so will those others behave towards you.
What is written? "And Elihu waited to speak to Job, because they [his other friends] were older than he in days [but not in wisdom]." (Job 32:4)
The word for "waited" used in this verse is also used in the verse: "Our soul waits for the L-rd; He is our help and our shield". (Psalms 33:2) Just as that verse indicates a specific form of "waiting" - anticipation of imminent salvation, so our text uses the word "waiting" to describe the effect of Elihu's words in encouraging him to look forward to better days and his personal salvation. That he succeeded is shown by Job's response.
For Job subsequently gave thanks to the Holy One, blessed be He, and accepted upon himself the justice wrought by the Heavenly Court.
Zohar p. 176b; translation and commentary by Simcha-Shmuel Treister
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