KabbalaOnline.org Shelach 5783 Anthology of Insights on the Torah Reading
KabbalaOnline.org Shelach 5783 Anthology of Insights on the Torah Reading
Dedicated with warm blessings of Mazal Tov in honor of
on her birthday.
Wishing her much good health, happiness and success - material and spiritual.
Shelach 5783 (In Israel, outside of Israel Beha'alotecha) - Anthology of Insights on the Torah Reading
The Zohar From the teachings of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai; translation & commentary by Moshe Miller
Moses sent spies into the Land of Canaan
with instructions to report about the nature of the land. The Zohar
examines the question posed: "Are there trees or not?"
The Holy Ari From the teachings of Rabbi Yitzchak Luria; translated and edited by Moshe Yaakov Wisnefsky The patriarch Jacob had twelve sons, each of which became the progenitor of one of the twelve tribes of Israel. When Joseph told his brothers, "you are spies", he was in effect telling them that all eleven of them would be reincarnated as the spies who spied out the land.
Mystical Classics From Shenei Luchot HaBrit by Rabbi Isaiah Horowitz
"Man does not live by bread alone, rather on all that emanates from the mouth of G-d."
Intermediate The Joining of Spirit to SpiritChasidic Masters From the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov Caleb went to Hebron and prostrated himself on the graves of the forefathers, that he not be persuaded by his fellow spies to participate in their scheme.
Beginner Spying Out the Land and Our SelvesContemporary Kabbalists From the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe; adapted by Moshe Yaakov Wisnefsky The seven nations that inhabited the Land of Canaan signify and embodied the seven basic emotions. The more we meditate on the futility of materialism and the awesomeness of G-d, the more we develop ecstatic love for G-d and antipathy for anything that opposes divinity and to that extent we may inspect and conquer our seven emotions, as well.
Beginner Spying on G‑dIsrael is an opportunity to redeem the physicality of the world. By Shaul Yosef Leiter
The nefilim were angels who “fell”
from Heaven to dwell among humans, attempting to prove that temptation
and evil could be resisted. Unfortunately, they fell further into
spiritual corruption than their mortal neighbors.
Beginner A Perceptive EyeA tale of how the hidden powers of a mystic saved a traveling rabbi.
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