Sefaria Akeidat Yitzchak 1:1 Akeydat Yitzchak by Eliyahu Munk

 Sefaria Akeidat Yitzchak 1:1 Akeydat Yitzchak by Eliyahu Munk

About This Text

Akeidat Yitzchak
Jewish Thought
Akeidat Yitzchak, written by the Spanish rabbi Isaac ben Moses Arama (c. 1420 – 1494) , is a collection of philosophical sermons on the Torah. The book is composed of 105 “gates” with each gate containing a sermon. Each sermon discusses a philosophical idea that comes from the chosen texts and a commentary that tries to solve the problems in the text. Akeidat Yitzchak was first published in 1522 in Salonika.
Composed: Salonica / Thessaloniki (c.1455 - c.1495 CE)נוצר/נערך: Salonica / Thessaloniki (1455 - 1495 לספירה בקירוב)

Current Version

Digitization: Sefaria
License: Public Domain
