Daily Garments for the Soul
Daily Garments for the Soul
Good news! A new maamar translation in the Lessons in Torah Or series is now available. It is a translation of the maamar from Torah Or in Parshas Chayei Sarah titled "לְהָבִין מַה שֶׁאָמְרוּ רַזַ"ל "יָפָה שָׁעָה אַחַת

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This maamar discusses the idea of mitzvos
creating "garments" for our soul in Gan Eden. These garments enable the
soul to perceive Hashem's Light directly and openly. Mitzvos have this
power becasue they derive from Hashem as He is beyond all the spiritual
realms, including Gan Eden and His Light that shines there.
But for our mitzvah "garments" to have the full effect, we need to try
to awaken a love for Hashem in prayer, so that our mitzvos will be able
to "fly up" to accomplish connecting a finite person to the Infinite
Light of Hashem.
This maamar is being sent out in
merit of the protection of the captives and their safe return, and the
victory of the Jewish people over their enemies, and the complete Geulah
with Moshiach very soon!!!
Please join the "Chai Club" of monthly donors so that we can continue
providing more maamarim translations like these. In the merit of
supporting this work, may Hashem bless you with an abundance of all good
things materially and spiritually!
To join the Chai Club, or give a one time donation, go to: www.DonorBox.org/LearnChassidus
To see more maamarim translations, go to our website www.LearnChassidus.com
To see the entire Torah Or/Likutei Torah with nekudos go to www.ChassidutBehirah.com
To receive audio recordings on maamarim from Torah Or, send a WhatsApp
to Rabbi Nisan Dubov at +44 7956 839154 with message "Torah Or"
With blessings, Rabbi Avraham Katz, director of Learn Chassidus Inc.
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