Maamar Translation for Vayeitzei!
Morning Divine Revelation
Good news! A maamar translation in the Lessons in Torah Or series
is now available. It is a translation of the maamar from Torah Or in
Parshas Vayeitzei titled "וַיַּשְׁכֵּם לָבָן בַּבֹּקֶר."

Click on this image to read online or download
In this Maamar, the Alter Rebbe explains the
deeper meaning of why the Torah tells us about the following story:
Lavan woke up in the morning and kissed his daughters and grandchildren
before returning to his hometown, when he travelled to meet Yaakov.
Lavan represents "Loven HaElyon," a very lofty level of Hashem's
Infinite Light. It is Hashem's awakening of mercy on us to enable us to
open our hearts and minds in prayer to Him. This awakening of mercy from
Hashem "kisses" us, it empowers us with love to be able to connect to
Him. This awakening of Hashem's mercy happens every morning during the
time of the morning prayers.
This maamar is being sent out in honor of
the 9th of Kisleiv this Wednesday, which is the birthday and also the
yahrtzeit of the Mittler Rebbe, and the 10th of Kisleiv this Thursday,
which is the Chag HaGeula of the Mittler Rebbe. The Mittler Rebbe is
connetcted with רחובות הנהר - expansion in the spreading of Chassidus in
a way that can be understood, like a flowing river that overflows it's
banks. In the merit of the Mittler Rebbe may we experience the complete
spreading of Chassidus everywhere in the world and in every part of our
own personal life, and through this merit the coming of Moshiach
May the learning of this maamar also be a merit for the safe release of
the hostages, and a complete healing for all the wounded, and a complete
victory over the enemies of the Jewish people!
Please join the "Chai Club" of monthly donors so that we can continue
providing more maamarim translations like these. In the merit of
supporting this work, may Hashem bless you with an abundance of all good
things materially and spiritually!
To join the Chai Club, or give a one time donation, go to:
To see more maamarim translations, go to our website
To see the entire Torah Or/Likutei Torah with nekudos go to
To receive audio recordings on maamarim from Torah Or, send a WhatsApp
to Rabbi Nisan Dubov at +44 7956 839154 with message "Torah Or"
To recieve content to help learn a page every day of Likutei Torah, go to
With blessings, Rabbi Avraham Katz, director of Learn Chassidus Inc.
P.S. if you cannot open the link to this maamar, just reply to this
email with the word "PDF" and i will send you a PDF of the maamar.
The maamar has been formatted for booklet printing, fitting 2 pages of
the maamar per each side of 8.5 by 11 paper. For best results, print PDF
from Adobe Acrobat.
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