Sefaria Tanya, Part V; Kuntres Acharon 3 Kehot Publication Society (English Translation)

 Sefaria Tanya, Part V; Kuntres Acharon 3 Kehot Publication Society (English Translation)

Level six:

Near the weekly parsha with the haftorah both with Rashi, Onkelos Targum reading very quickly in Hebrew-English near the weekly parsha, a chapter of Nach beginning with Joshua until the end of II Chronicles without Tehillim and start after the 'end' with Joshua again, Mishnah starting with Seder Zeraim (Agriculture) Berakhot until the end Seder Tahorot (Purity) Oktzin and start after the 'end' with Seder Zeraim (Agriculture) Berakhot, a daf from the Talmud Babylonian-Jerusalem starting from the beginning until the end and after the 'end' starting with the beginning again. Midrash Tanchuma after Parsha reading. Kalach Pitchei Chokhmah every day a chapter, begin with 1 until 138, after 138 starting with 1 again. Tanya every day a chapter, from the beginning until the end, after the 'end' starting with the beginning again. Sha'ar HaEmunah VeYesod HaChasidut every day a chapter, from the beginning until the end, after the 'end' starting with the beginning again. Likutei Moharan every day a chapter, from the beginning until the end, after the 'end' starting with the beginning again. Kedushat Levi from beginning until end. Reading it very quickly every day. 

The Third Beit HaMikdash from beginning until the end. Reading it very quickly every day. 

Read every week from Kabbalah Online click: Weekly Torah

While it is an 'obligation' to learn not everyone need to reach Level six. Depending on your 
possibilities and personal desire. But on the end of your daily study, you need to read a Siman of the Kitsur Shulchan Aruch every day a Siman, from the beginning until the end, after the 'end' starting with the beginning again.

The daily reading is a cycle repeating until we 'know' all....... Learning to think as an Israelite, then we shall come to the fulfillment of the Mitzvoth of the Korbanot. Do the Temple Service under, the coming, Messiah King Ben David.

About This Text

Written by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi (1745–1812), the founder of Chabad Chasidism, Tanya is the foundational work of Chabad and presents the philosophy of the movement. Written in 5 sections, the Tanya provides an outline for living a spiritual Jewish life.
Composed: Liozna (c.1786 – c.1796 CE)נוצר/נערך: ליוזנה (1786 – 1796 לספירה בקירוב)

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Part V; Kuntres Acharon, Chapter 3


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