Maamar translation for Parshas Mishpatim!

We failed! We didn't throw of the Mountain: Amalek's descendants and their Israeli friends!
Today's Israeli Government has to go! And never to come back!
We are in need of an Elohim fearing Government.
Together, Yehuda and Ephraim, we dedicate our learning in memory of the lives lost, and with prayers for the safe return of those held captive and for everyone affected by the ongoing violence in Israel. Everyday soldiers die. Please Pray that we stop the 'old politic' game and that the fighting goes on until all Eretz Yisrael is Jewish Sovereign and all terrorists are dead in and around Eretz Yisrael! Eretz Yisrael completely liberated.....! Then let us start to Pray and to talk about a new government system in Eretz Yisrael! That every Jew and non-Jew has to accept and respect Jewish Law. Voting's yes, but a new high Court system, a Sanhedrin, the Great Sanhedrin and the smaller Sanhedrin’s...... Jewish Law in all Eretz Yisrael. Praying for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Ephraim her unification with Yehuda so that we may become a real blessing for the whole world as it was in the time of the Kingdom of HaMeleg David.
Yes, real Teshuva and Study our Source: The Torah. The Sifri (a treatise on the derivation of Torah law from the exegesis of the verses of Numbers and Deuteronomy, written during the time of the Mishnah by Rav) says, "The Jewish people were commanded three mitzvos upon entering Israel: appointing for themselves a king, building themselves a Sanctuary and wiping out the descendants of Amalek." Read the Mamaar of the rebbe click: Towards the Complete Fulfillment of a Mitzvah (
Shalom Aleichem! In this email there is a link to open, read, download,
or print a full maamar translation with commentary from Torah Or in
Parshas Mishpatim.

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The current maamar translation is from Torah Or in Parshas Mishpatim titled "לֹא תִהְיֶה מְשַׁכֵּלָה וַעֲקָרָה".
It explains that the way to attain a lasting love and fear of Hashem is
through our humility to Hashem. All the spiritual awareness and feelings
that we develop in prayer and contemplation all come just from Hashem,
from the Light that He plants in us. Our spiritual service is only a
"vessel" to recieve the inspiration from Above. When we approach our
service with this proper perpective, then we will be fitting vessels to
experience awareness and feelings for Hashem.
In addition, through our perfomance of Torah and Mitzvos out of our
commitment to Hashem, then ultimately He will "fill" those Mitzvos with
Divine Light. Sometimes we experience this Light in the Mitzvos and in
our prayers, and sometimes we don't experience this Light immediately.
When Moshiach comes, we will experience the Light that fills all the
Mitzvos that we have ever performed in our entire life, may it happen
very soon!
This maamar is being sent in honor of the
22nd of Shvat, the yahrtzeit of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, the Rebbe's wife
of righteous blessed memory, which was a few days ago, and in honor of
Rosh Chodesh Adar Rishon this coming Friday and Shabbos. Adar is a
month when מזליה בריא, the flow of Life from Hashem to the Jewish people
is especially strong. In this month may we merit to see all the Jewish
people strong and healthy with the release of all the captives, the
victory over evil, and the coming of Moshiach very soon!!!
Please consider joining the "Chai Club" of monthly donors so that we can
continue providing more maamarim translations like these. In the merit
of supporiting this work, may Hashem bless you with an abundance of all
good things materially and spiritually!
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With blessings, Rabbi Avraham Katz
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