Sefaria Isaiah 65 Revised JPS

 Sefaria Isaiah 65 Revised JPS

(Torah reading Second Level see: Torah Study (


About This Text

Isaiah (“Yeshayahu”) is the fifth book of the Prophets and is known for its visions of universal peace and renewal. Beginning in the period of the First Temple against the backdrop of a rising Assyrian empire and Israel on the decline, Isaiah rebukes Israel for abandoning God and pursuing corruption, calls for change, and warns the nations of their ultimate downfalls. The last third of the book contains comforting prophecies about returning to Jerusalem and redemption.
Composed: Judea/Israel (c.750 - c.450 BCE)נוצר/נערך: יהודה / ישראל (750 - 450 לפנה"ס בקירוב)

Current Version

Miqra According to the Masorah (MAM) is a digital Hebrew edition of the Tanakh based on the Aleppo Codex and related manuscripts. It is designed for readers, and as such it contains added elements to aid vocalization of the text. For instance: When an accent is marked in an unstressed syllable, an extra accent is added in the proper place (pashta, zarqa, segol, telisha). Legarmeih and paseq are visibly distinguished. Qamaz qatan is indicated by its designated Unicode character (alternatives are documented where traditions differ about its application).
The text of MAM is fully documented. The complete introduction to the edition (Hebrew) explains the types of editorial decisions that have been made and the reasons for them (English abstract). In addition, every word in the Bible about which there is some textual concern or ambiguity includes a documentation note; these notes can be viewed conveniently here. If an error is discovered, it may be reported to User:Dovi at Hebrew Wikisource. Please check the documentation notes before reporting an error.
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Current Translation

Digitization: Sefaria
