Sefaria Sha'ar HaEmunah VeYesod HaChasidut, Introduction to Beit Yaakov 22-23

 Sefaria Sha'ar HaEmunah VeYesod HaChasidut, Introduction to Beit Yaakov 22-23

(Torah reading Level Six see: Torah Study (


About This Text

Sha'ar HaEmunah VeYesod HaChasidut
Written by Rabbi Gershon Chanoch Henoch Leiner of Radzin as an introduction to his father's work – the "Beit Yaakov" – this work is a guide to the theology of Kabbalah and Chassidut, based on Talmudic, Halachic and esoteric sources.
Composed: (c.1850 - c.1890 CE)נוצר/נערך: (1850 - 1890 לספירה בקירוב)

Current Translation

Digitization: Sefaria
License: CC-BY
