
Toldot Beit Israel International


Shabbat Toldot Shalom

  Shabbat Toldot Shalom B"H My dear Ephraim, Here are your candle lighting times for Jerusalem, Israel: On Friday, November 25, 2022 Light Candles at 3:56 PM On Saturday, November 26, 2022 Shabbat Ends 5:15 PM Shabbat Shalom! Study this week's Torah portion Candle lighting blessings Look up Shabbat times for another city

Shavua Tov

  Shavua Tov with songs from the Heart Land of Israel

The Battle over the Heartland of Israel

In honor of Jerusalem Day 2020, The Binyamin Region brings you a special production highlighting the heroic battles over the heartland of Israel, the key to the Safety of Jerusalem. Yaakov Dolev, from the Binyamin Security department hosts Chezky Betzalel, Tour Guide and expert of The land of Israel studies

This is the last week that we spend with Abraham, as we read the Torah portion of Chayei Sarah.

    Wonders  •  Youtube  •  Telegram  •  Whatsapp  •  Facebook  •  Donate This is the last week that we spend with Abraham, as we read the Torah portion of Chayei Sarah.  Abraham bought the Cave of Machpelah for four hundred silver shekels. In Hebrew, the word for silver, kesef, is also the root of the word kisufim, which means ‘longing’. Kabbalistic literature speaks of ‘four hundred worlds of longing’: Four hundred worlds of pleasure that the tzaddikim (righteous individuals) inherit in the World to Come. This is the secret of the four hundred silver (longing) shekels that Abraham paid for the Cave. The Cave of Machpelah represents the lofty pleasure of the World to Come, here, in this world. Actually, the entire Land of Israel is innately connected to the World to Come. Israel is the “Land of Life”. But the Cave of Machpelah in Hebron is the place of the connection to the World to Come. (The Hebrew word for Hebron,...

Palestinians: Would you pray with Jews at Haram al Sharif/Temple Mount?

Palestinians: Would you pray with Jews at Haram al Sharif/Temple Mount? In the above video we see and hear how, Islam is being full of destruction. Special in Eretz Yisrael.  But you hear that many Jews have no problem to build their Temple and don't like to brake of the Al Aksa Mosque. No in contrast having no problem with praying together. One Islamic voice who has the same as many Jews: No problem in praying together. Has to fear for her live in Eretz Yisrael ......  Originally Islam has no problem when Jews visit their Mosque if they like to pray. Their comes really peace when Israel by herself brings Jewish Sovereignty into all Eretz Yisrael, including the Har HaBait, and change her foundational Laws based on the Laws given to Moshe Rabbeinu. When all Yisrael, Yehudah and Ephraim, choose again: Exo 24:7 And he took the Book of the Covenant and read in the hearing of the people. And they said, “All that Adonai has spoken we shall do, and obey.” Isa 11:9-16 They do no evil...