
KabbalaOnLine Magazine Vol.19 no.17

 KabbalaOnLine Magazine Vol.19 no.17 bs'D from the print version of Magazine Magazine A project of Ascent-of-Safed Vol. 19, No.17 7 Shevat - 13 Shevat, 5783 / Jan. 29 - Feb.4, 2023 Week of Beshalach 5783   PREFACE : The Shabbat of reading Parashat Beshalach is also known as the "Shabbat of Song," as it contains the song sung after the crossing of the Reed Sea, when the entire Jewish were in a state of enlightenment (article #1) A lot of accessible classic Kabbalah this week from Ari (article #4) and Rashash (see 'Dedication') and Bachya (article #5). In addition, article #2, "The 72 Names of G-d," is one of our most requested topics. Next week: special Tu B'Shvat edition (see also: article #6).   DEDICATION Dedicated by the staff of and ASCENT-of-SAFED in respectful memory of: Rabbi Shalom Sharabi ("Rashash&qu

"They must not be left alive": a call to investigate Rabbi Mazuz

  "They must not be left alive": a call to investigate Rabbi Mazuz Google Translation of  " אסור להשאיר אותם חיים": קריאה לחקור את הרב מאזוז לאחר דבריו הקשים (   "They must not be left alive": a call to investigate Rabbi Mazuz after his harsh words After the terrorist attacks in Jerusalem, the senior Sephardic rabbi quoted Rabbi Kahane in his class and said, "The Arabs are beasts of prey; If you can't kill them, you'll deport them" • The Tag Meir forum wrote to Attorney General Bahar-Miara, demanding that she examine whether his remarks constitute a violation of the Counter-Terrorism Law • "There is a real possibility that his words will lead to the commission of an act of terrorism"   Hanan Greenwood 30/1/2023, 11:36, Updated30/1/2023, 14:06 "Wild incitement": Attorney   Itay Mek wrote to the Attorney General this morning (Monday) on behalf of th

ChaBaD Monday, 8 Shevat, 5783 January 30, 2023

  ChaBaD Monday, 8 Shevat, 5783 January 30, 2023 Jewish History R. Dovid of Lelov (1814) Chassidic master Rabbi Dovid Biederman of Lelov (1746-1814) was a disciple of the " Seer of Lublin ." Rabbi Dovid was known for his extraordinary  ahavat yisrael ; it was said of him that he was incapable of seeing faults in a fellow Jew. Two printed collections of stories about him are  Migdal David  and  Kodesh Hillulim. Link: Somebody Else Laws and Customs Sanctification of the Moon Once a month, as the moon waxes in the sky, we recite a special blessing called  Kiddush Levanah , "the sanctification of the moon," praising the Creator for His wondrous work we call astronomy. Kiddush Levanah is recited after nightfall, usually on Saturday night. The blessing is concluded with songs and dancing, because our nation is likened to the moon—as it waxes and wanes, so have we throughout history. When we bless the moo Gate of Reincarnations "Divisions in Roots & Sparks"

Image Gate of Reincarnations "Divisions in Roots & Sparks" Please Note : The bold text is the direct translation of the classic text source. The regular text is the explanation of the editor/translator   Division in Roots & Sparks Gate of Reincarnations: Chapter Thirty-One, Section 1 By Rabbi Yitzchak Luria as recorded by Rabbi Chaim Vital; translation from Sha'ar Hagilgulim by Yitzchok bar Chaim; commentary by Shabtai Teicher « Previous Intermingled Souls (30:3)   All the neshamot, ruchot , and nefashot of all that was created in this world are included in and dependent upon Adam . This is because Adam incorporated all five parts mentioned above: NRNCh"Y which come from the five partzufim and ten sefirot called [from top to bottom] : Arich Anpin, Abba and Imma, Zu"N . We will explain the level called nefesh , and from this discussion you will be able to extrapolate to the ruach and neshama , etc. The nefesh of A

Rabbi Ginsburgh Painting a Portrait of Mashiach

 Rabbi Ginsburgh Painting a Portrait of Mashiach In this video, Rabbi Ginsburgh discusses deep secrets of the Mashiach and where we can find him. For more videos and articles by Rabbi Ginsburgh: Join our WhatsApp group and receive short daily teachings by Rabbi Ginsburgh: Get our weekly free email newsletter and enjoy all of our content hot off the press!

Yahuda101 The Golden Calf

 Yahuda101  The Golden Calf The Golden Calf By Yahuda101 The day for this infamous event is forever marked in the Hebrew calendar -- 17th of Tammuz. This would be the day later in history on which the walls of Jerusalem would be breached by the Babylonians and the Romans prior to the destruction of both the first and the second Temple. 17th of Tammuz Blues · Ari Lesser It is very important to analyze what happened with the golden calf and why the Torah criticizes the Jewish people so harshly for this sin. And indeed what is revealed here about how God views the Jewish people. After the greatest national revelation experience in human history when the whole nation hears God, Moses goes up the mountain and comes down 40 days later to find people dancing around an idol. At Sinai , 600,000 men between the ages of 20 and 60, plus women and children (and men under the age of 20 and over the age of 60) – a total of approximately three million people – heard the Ten Commandments from G–d Himse